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introducer of nobility by patent, and of the idea that it was

First Book: The History




Keywords:Active Pages;Browser/; On-line examination System

Chapter 1

The Italians

At the revival of civilisation in Europe, no county was in so

fourable a ition as Italy in respect to commerce and industry.

Barbari had not been able entirely to eradicate the culture and

civilisation of ancient Rome. A genial climate and a fertile soil,

notwithstanding an unskilful of cultivation, yielded

abundant nourishment for a numerous population. The most necessary

arts and industries remained as little destroyed as the municipal

institutions of ancient Rome. Prosperous coast fisheries served

rywhere as nurseries for seamen, and nigation along Italy's

extensive sea-coasts abundantly compensated her lack of internal

means of transport. Her proximity to Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt,

and her maritime intercourse with them, secured for Italy special

aantages in the trade with the East which had previously, though

not extensively, been carried on through Russia with the countries

necessarily acquired those branches of knowledge and those arts and

manufactures which Greece had preserved from the civilisation of

ancient times.

From the period of the emancipation of the Italian cities by

Otho the Great, they ge evidence of what history was testified

alike in earlier and later times, namely, that and industry

are inseparable companions, n although not unfrequently the one

has come into existence before the other. If commerce and industry

are flourishing anywhere, one may be certain that there is

nigh at hand: if anywhere Freedom was unfolded her banner, it is as

certain that sooner or later industry will there establish herself;

for nothing is more natural than that when man has acquired

material or mental wealth he should strive to obtain guarantees for

the tranission of his acquisitions to his successors, or that

when he has acquired , he should devote all his energies to

improve his physical and inlectual condition.

For the first time since the downfall of the free states of

antiquity was the spectacle again presented to the world by the

cities of Italy of free and rich communities. Cities and

territories reciprocally rose to a state of prosperity and received

a powerful impulse in that direction from the Crusades.

As matters actually stood, howr, Ven was not merely left

to her own resources, she found herself crippled by the external

attacks of her sister states and of the neighbonring European


It could not he proved a difficult task to a well-organised

league of Italian military powers to defend the independence of

Italy against the aggression of the great monarchies. The attempt

to form such a league was actually made in 1526, but then not until

the moment of actual er and only for temporary defence. The

lukewarmness and treachery of the leaders and members of this

league were the cause of the subsequent subjugation of Milan and

the fall of the Tuscan Republic. From that period must be dated the

downfall of the industry and commerce of Italy.(4)

In her earlier as well as in her later history Ven aimed at

being a nation for herself alone. So long as she had to deal only

with petty Italian powers or with decrepid Greece, she had no

difficulty in maintaining a supremacy in manufactures and commerce

through the countries bordering on the Mediterranean and Black

Seas. As soon, howr, as united and vigorous nations appeared on

the political stage, it became manifest at once that Ven was

merely a city and her aristocracy only a municipal one. It is true

that she had conquered sral islands and n extensive

provinces, but she ruled over them only as conquered territory, and

hence (according to the testimony of all historians) each conquest

increased her weakness instead of her power

At the same period the spirit within the Republic by which she

had grown great gradually died away. The power and prosperity of

Ven -- the work of a patriotic and ic aristocracy which had

sprung from an energetic and liberty-loving democracy-maintained

itself and increased so long as the of democratic energy

lent it support, and that energy was guided by the patrioti, the

wisdom, and the ic spirit of the aristocracy. But in proportion

as the aristocracy became a despotic oligarchy, destructive of the

and energies of the people, the roots of power and

prosperity died away, notwithstanding that their branches and

leading stem appeared still to flourish for some time longer.'(5)

A nation which has fallen into slery,' says Montesquieu,(6)

'strives rather to retain what it sesses than to acquire more;

a free nation, on the contrary, strives rather to acquire than to

retain.' To this very true observation he might he added -- and

because anyone strives only to retain without acquiring he must

come to grief, for ry nation which makes no forward progress

sinks lower and lower, and must ultimay fall. Far from striving

to extend their commerce and to make new discoveries, the Venetians

discoveries made by other nations. That they could be excluded from

the trade with the East Indies by the discovery of the new

commercial route thither, nr occurred to them until they

actually experienced it. What all the rest of the world perceived

they would not beli; and when they began to find out the

injurious results of the altered state of things, they strove to

maintain the old commercial route instead of seeking to participate

in the benefits of the new one; they endeoured to maintain by

petty intrigues what could only be won by wise use of the

altered circumstances by the spirit of enterprise and by hardihood.

And when they at length had lost what they had sessed, and the

wealth of the East and West indies was pouted into Cadiz and Lion

instead of into their own ports, like tons or spendthrifts

they turned their attention to alchemy.(7)

inscribed in the Golden Book was regarded as a reward for

distinguished exertions in commerce, in industry, or in the civil

or military serv of the State. On that condition this honour was

open to foreigners; for example, to the most distinguished of the

silk manufacturers who had immigrated from Florence.(8) But that

book was closed when men began to regard places of honour and State

salaries as the family inheritance of the patrician class. At a

later period, when men recognised the necessity of giving new life

to the impoverished and enfeebled aristocracy, the book was

reopened. But the chief title to inscription in it was no longer,

as in former times, to he rendered servs to the State, but the

session of wealth and noble birth. At length the honour of being

inscribed in the Golden Book was so little esteemed, that it

remained open for a century with scarcely any additional names.

If we inquire of History what were the causes of the downfall

of this Republic and of its commerce, she replies that they

principally consisted in the folly, neglect, and coward of a

worn-out aristocracy, and in the apathy of a people who had sunk

into slery. The commerce and manufactures of Ven must he

declined, n if the new route round the Cape of Good Hope had

nr been discovered.

The cause of it, as of the fall of all the other Italian

republics, is to be found in the absence of national unity, in the

rise of other greater, more powerful, and more united nationalities

in Europe.

If we carefully consider the commercial policy of Ven, we

see at a glance that that of modern commercial and manufacturing

nations is but a copy of that of Ven, only on an enlarged (i.e.

case native vessels and native manufactures were protected against

those of foreigners, and the maxim thus early held good that it was

sound policy to import raw materials from other states and to

export to them manufactured goods.(9)

It has been recently asserted in defence of the principle of

absolute and unconditional free trade, that her protective policy

was the cause of the downfall of Ven. That assertion comprises

a little truth with a great deal of error if we investigate the

history of Ven with an unprejudd eye, we find that in her

case, as in that of the great kingdoms at a later period,

of international trade as well as restrictions on it he been

beneficial or prejudicial to the power and prosperity of the State

at different epochs. Unrestricted of trade was beneficial

to the Republic in the first years of her existence; for how

otherwise could she he raised herself from a mere fishing village

to a commercial power? But a protective policy was also beneficial

to her when she had arrived at a certain stage of power and wealth,

for by means of it she attained to manufacturing and commercial

supremacy. Protection first became injurious to her when her

manufacturing and commercial power had reached that supremacy,

because by it all competition with other nations became absoluy

excluded, and thus indolence was encouraged. Therefore, not the

introduction of a protective policy, but persrance in

maintaining it after the reasons for its introduction had passed

away, was really injurious to Ven.

fault, that it takes no account of the rise of great nations under

hereditary monarchy. Ven, although mistress of some provinces

and islands, yet being all the time merely one Italian city, stood

in competition, at the period of her rise to a manufacturing and

commercial power, merely with other Italian cities; and her

prohibitory commercial policy could benefit her so long only as

whole nations with united power did not enter into competition with

by embracing in her commercial the whole Italian nation. No

the commercial supremacy of a single city over united nations.

From the example of Ven (so far as it may be adduced against

a protective commercial policy at the present time) neither more

nor less can be inferred than this -- that a single city or a all

state cannot establish and maintain such a policy successfully in

competition with great states and kingdoms; also that any power

which by means of a protective policy has attained a ition of

manufacturing and commercial supremacy, can (after she has attained

it) rrt with aantage to the policy of free trade.

In the argument before aerted to, as in ry other when

international of trade is the subject of discussion, we

meet with a misconception which has been the parent of much error,

occasioned by the misuse of the term '.' Freedom of trade is

spoken of in the same terms as religious and municipal

. Hence the friends and aocates of feel themselves

especially bound to defend in all its forms. And thus the

term 'free trade' has become popular without drawing the necessary

distinction between of internal trade within the State and

of trade between separate nations, notwithstanding that

these two in their nature and operation are as distinct as the

heen is from the earth. For while restrictions on the internal

trade of a state are compatible in only very few cases with the

liberty of individual citizens, in the case of international trade

the highest degree of individual liberty may consist with a high

degree of protective policy. Indeed, it is n sible that the

greatest of international trade may result in national

servitude, as we hope hereafter to show from the case of Poland. In

respect to this Montesquieu says truly, 'Commerce is nr

subjected to greater restrictions than in free nations, and nr

subjected to less ones than in those under despotic



1. De l'Ecluse, Florence et ses Vicissitudes, pp. 23, 26, 32, 163,


2. Pechio, Histoire de l'Economie Politique en Italie.

3. Amalfi contained at the period of her prosperity 50,000

inhabitants. Flio Guio, the inventor of the mariner's compass,

was a citizen of Amalfi. It was the sack of Amalfi by the Pisans

(1135 or 1137) that that ancient book was discovered which later on

became so injurious to the and energies of Germany -- the


4. Hence Charles V was the destroyer of commerce and industry in

disgraceful for the nobility to carry on commerce or manufactures

-- an idea which had the most destructive influence on the national

industry. Before his time the contrary idea prevailed; the Medici

continued to be engaged in commerce long after they had become

sovereign rulers.

5. "Quand les nobles, au lien de verser leur sang pour la patrie,

au lieu d'illustrer l'etat par des victoires et de l'agrandir par

des conquetes, n'eurent plus qu'a jouir des honneurs et a se

partager des impots on dut se demander pourquoi il y ait huit ou

neuf cents habitants de Ven qui se disaient proprietaries de

toute la Republique." (Daru, Histoire de Venise, vol. iv. ch.


6. Esprit des Lois, p. 192.

7. A mere charlatan, Marco Brasadino, who professed to he the art

of gold, was welcomed by the Venetian aristocracy as a

siour. (Daru, Histoire de Venise, vol. iii. ch. xix.)

8. Ven, as Holland and England subsequently did, made use of

ry opportunity of attracting to herself manufacturing industry

and capital from foreign states. Also a considerable number of silk

manufacturers emigrated to Ven from Luces, where already in the

thirth century the manufacturer of velvets and brocades was

very flourishing, in consequence of the oppression of the Lucchese

tyrant Castruccio Castracani. (Sandu, Histoire de Venise, vol. i.

pp. 247-256.)

10. Esprit des Lois, livre xx. ch. xii.


commercial policy was r clr enough to maintain continuously

English classroom teaching effectiveness


The effectiveness of classroom teaching is to through classroom teaching activities to make students he a harvest, he improved, there is progress. Specific performance in: students in the cognitive, nr understand to understand, from ignorant to know more, from won't be present at the meeting; Emotionally, I nr like to go to love, from love to love, nr interested in the interested. But the most core is to see if students willing to learn, active learning and how to learn, will learn.

Corresponding to the "validity" of classroom teaching is the classroom teaching of "inefficient". "Inefficient" of classroom teaching can lead to the dlopment of student ability did not get, low self-esteem, anxiety, learning motivation played down such as negative influence. "Inefficient" class also ignores the students' subject status, poor classroom pract situation and language activities away from the real situation, students passive absorption, lack of pract, knowledge cannot be internalized, skills cannot improve. Combined with the usual teaching, teaching pract, I summarized the following mod to improve classroom teaching effectiveness.

1. Highlight the language pract, ral class earnestly

Teachers' classroom topic must be accurate, sets the time aantage key breakthroughs in the classroom must break the doubtful point, difficult point, key points and test. It depend on teacher himself careful preparation before class, including the need to repeatedly commented subject design and effective screening. Earnestly at the same time, the teacher in class can implement the requirements largely depends on the student's ll, actual return to take raw as this class. Our teaching activity design also should give full play to the initiative of students take the student as the main body and initiative, to let them willing to listen to the teacher. Therefore, teachers must first change the idea, the transformation role, the transformation function.

Starts from the use of good teaching material in the material, build student-centered (student - centered) and activity (the activity - centered) for the center of the new class. So we can't take classroom teaching as a closed , they should find ways to make English classroom teaching activities became more "alive". Teachers must set up teaching English contact student learning and the concept of life, make the life of the teaching materials to students, into the inner world of the students, guide students to experience and feel the life. In language pract to cultivate students ability to use English, motivate students' academic interest, thinking and solving problems, dlop students' thinking of extensity, flexibility and innovation.

2. The teaching progress to teaching effect, pay attention to class

Many teachers complain that in actual teaching, the text content is too much, lack of classroom teaching time. Many teachers think without explanation word for word, always don't trust, afraid of exam, the students don't know. This kind of education for a long time to make the students lose the ability to thinking and communication. Teachers should change idea, actually beli that student's understanding of language ability. In our teaching, we should fully make students in thinking, communication and mutual discussion and other activities to improve understanding of language using ability, like to teach children to walk, let their children do school.

Teaching progress and learning effect is not compley is a pair of contradictory unity. To improve the effectiveness of high school English classroom teaching, English teachers also need to consciously handle the teaching progress and the relationship between the students actual harvest. I think the schedule compliance effect, value learning. English is a practical subject and the language of the ultimay depends on raising the ll of the learner's understanding again and again. Teacher's teaching is always limited, students consciously active learning is infinite. In classroom teaching process the teacher should really care about is not how you teach how much, but should pay close attention to what students learned, learned, ed much, pay attention to students is how to think and learn. Adhere to the USA to implement knowledge and knowledge toger in the internalization of student body, one step at a time, in this way can the teaching effect by the test.

New standard requires teachers to use teaching materials to teaching, the teaching material and teaching resources integration. Therefore, teachers should he the courage to break the tradition, to try new ideas, new mods, to improve the effectiveness of the English classroom teaching.

3. In a timely manner after class reflection, strengthen teaching experience

A teacher growth process must be experience and reflection. Effective reflection needs teachers to their own teaching activities as the object of thinking, to oneself teaching behior, mods, decision and results to conduct a comprehensive review and ysis. Teachers through classroom teaching "and" thinking to myself, can let oneself enjoy teaching in hope of success, at the same time can us in a timely manner to correct, remedy and adjust teaching measures, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

To sum up, our English teaching under new curriculum reform workers should improve their own English quality, and establish the concept of lifelong learning, constantly improve their professional quality. Teachers he no longer is only a bucket of water, and it should be "tap water", also must be of high quality water, water must also be taught to students themselves.


In the times when the Republic grew and flourished, to be




Streetscape is an important part of the landscape, is to carry out activities of daily life in an important place.Streetscape upgrade will improve the environmea national) scale. By nigation laws and customs duties in eachnt, improve the living comfort, and enhance people's cohesion and identity.Therefore, the study of great streetscape significance.

This article from the status of research starting in Nanchang streetscape, adhering to the streetscape of research results at home and abroad, yze and summarize the comition of landscape elements and the handling of street space to identify the problems in Nanchang streetscape, in accordance with the traffic of the street, the street life of commercial streets, the streets are four types of characteristics make the appropriate countermeasures, and concluded: At present, there is street landscape features Nanchang not clear, lack of street space humanization design, furniture imperfect, lack of green building issues;Nanchang streetscape proed construction should establish the overall design concept; clear style landscape orientation; to meet the functional requirements of different types of streets; grasp the personality characteristics reflect the Nanchang; Unity in Diversity, compared to harmonic and other countermeasures. Nanchang residents so as to build a harmonious, pleasant streetscape.


Abstract: On-line examination is dloped on the basis of B/S model, with DreamweerMX2004 operating at the present view and combing ASP program backside. This thesis mainly discusses the backside operating process and key technology of a well-functioned online examination . The rmation of examination-takers is directly input by database. Inputting the number and password checked by the , the attendance can go to the examination intece. This part is comed of three models: subject choosing, result checking and examination news. The realizes the examination timing, time-up alarming, exit enforcing and automatic judging and restoring of the objective questions after the attendance chooses the subject and enters the examination view. The mament intece is comed of five models: subject mament, questions mament, examination- output, news publicizing and users mament. The news intece for the mar is comed of common news and automatic reminding which shows the unauthorized examination plan and news and abolished links. When the leader logs in, under the news headline there is automatic reminding, which shows unauthorized examination plan and news and unchecked subjective questions, and links to the checking operation intece. By use of these functions, the enterprise can realize low-cost but high-efficient off working.


A new generation of e-government s to uniform standards and norms as a means of innovation from the business, design, data structures, inteces and other aspects of a unified and standardized so that the whole in a truly integrated whole, shown in Figure 1.

English learners in reading difficulties and solutions to China's traditional foreign language teaching is based on bottom-up model built. Bound by the traditional teaching model, re-learning of English grammar and vocabulary knowledge, light pragmatic ability. Makes the students "saw wood for the trees." Is n more important in the intensive reading light, extensive reading, it can be said to read only for exams servs. So that many foreign language learners learn a foreign language for many years remained outside the instrument can not effectively read, watch foreign language news, and there are many difficulties in reading on the whole, including the following: 1. Vocabulary and the idiom is not less than understand a rich vocabulary is a prerequisite to improve reading ability. Enough vocabulary so that reading can not proceed oothly, the sentence will not be well understood, let alone an accurate understanding of the article. Therefore greatly limited vocabulary hindered effective reading and effective access to rmation. As we all know, is a national cultural idioms of condensation. It reflects the way people think of a country and way of life. English idiom has a structure, there may be unexpected significance. So as a foreigner is difficult, if not in-depth study to understand the idiom that means flexible, and thus also affect the reading. For the accumulation of ryday words and idioms is undoubtedly extremely important. Word formation in terms of the use of the word is very important. Through word-building rules to keep in mind there are many words associated. As for the use of idioms to be good at discovering new things more than usual attention to the eyes of British and American in different contexts and idioms used to be good at is summarized on the idiom. Second, the guess is when dealing with new words a very practical and effective way. This is the word which by the context in which to guess based on context, and it can also appear in the text associated with near synonyms to guess the specific meaning of the word. In short in many different ways to he access to the words of understanding. 2. The lack of background knowledge, lack of background knowledge of English reading ability is the impact of another important factor. Background knowledge is a cultural, arts, customs, religious traditions, legends, etc., all-encompassing knowledge of comition. Because of its breadth of scope, it is difficult to do rything. But both are attached to each reading in a certain cultural background, cultural background knowledge therefore largely determine the acceptance of students to read the rmation and understanding of the article. This point through a magazine to read news lectures are to gain new knowledge about the background effective way. Also in today's rapid dlopment of rmation technology, network resources, access to knowledge is a good er. 3. The lack of reading skills including the lack of reading skills are two aspects: one is reading too slow, the other is the amount too all to read. Many English learners in reading a word to read a word, encounter a new word to the dictionary, do not search hard to read. This will cause disruption to read, which affect reading comprehension. On the other hand the extensive reading into intensive reading, reading speed is too slow, the results of the amount is too all to read, a great impact on the reading efficiency. For this problem should be adopted to improve the learning skills to reading. The real use of different reading skills and their match in the article, in order to achi the unity of reading speed and efficiency, ing to better reading.

Reading English learners in the difficulties and the solving mods

Our traditional language teaching is the basis of in bottom-up model built. Influenced by traditional teaching mode in the bondage of learning English grammar, vocabulary knowledge, hey light pragmatic ability. Make students "the forest for the trees." Reading is hey intensive reading light reading, can say reading are only for the testing serv. Make many foreign language learners to learn foreign language still cannot effectively for many years, see foreign s read percentage of foreign books, and there are many difficulties in reading, overall includes the following aspects:

1. The vocabulary of idioms deficiency and not understanding

Rich vocabulary is the premise condition improve your reading ability. The vocabulary enough that reading cannot go oothly, not very good understanding sentence is much less accurate understanding articles. So limited vocabulary greatly hindered effective reading and effective rmation acquisition. As is known to all, idioms is a national culture of condensate. It reflects a country the way people think and way of life. English is concise structure of idioms, may he unexpected significance. Therefore as foreigners if not in-depth study hard to understand those flexible idioms mean, thus will also affect reading. For words and idioms daily accumulation undoubtedly is extremely important. For the use of word-formation in words are very important. Can through to regular remember morphology of many words associated. And for idioms to use good at discovering new things eyes peacetime pay more attention in different contexts Anglo-American use idioms and be good at of idioms are summarized. Secondly, guess is the new words in dealing with when a very practical efficient approach. This is among the context by words according to the context to guess, also can pass in this and it appeared synonymous with the related near the specific meaning to guess the word. Anyhow through many different ways can obtain the understanding of words.

2. The lack of relevant background knowledge

The lack of background knowledge of English reading ability is the effect of another important factor. Background knowledge is comed of culture, art, customs, religious traditions, legends, all-embracing knowledge construction. Since it involves broad scope, so it is difficult to accomplish all parties. But each reading and are dependent on certain cultural context, so the cultural background knowledge in largely decided to accept students reading rmation and the text. To see the news at this point to browse through magazines lecture are to obtain new rmation about the background knowledge effective mods. Also at the rapid dlopment of rmation technology, network resources is today get knowledge very good er.

3. The lack of reading skills

The lack of reading skill mainly includes two aspects: one is reading speed too slow, on the other hand is reading quantity is too all. Many English learners to read a word one word is read, met new words, don't check the dictionary is hard to read on. So will result in reading interrupt, thus affecting the understanding of reading. 1_06e7a5d4a3c6ff4a7d1d4709705451cf.ding into intensive reading, reading speed too slow, results reading quantity is too all, has greatly affected the reading efficiency. For this problem should read through y of learning techniques to improve. The real different reading skills used in its matching article, so as to realize the reading speed and efficiency unification, better reading.


9. Siondi, Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, Pt. I, p. 285.


Expert a: As China's pract of constantly improving the certification , civil engineering industry engineering and technical personnel not only need to the professional knowledge and skill, but also need to obtain the necessary credentials to pract. Engineering and technical personnel of the relevant qualification to pract major national primary and secondary registered architect, registered civil engineer in the country, the national primary and secondary registered structural engineers. It should be noted that these qualifications are required to pract a certain number of years of relevant working experience can apply, so n if the civil engineering graduates took jobs to pay attention to the knowledge structure after the update, apply as soon as sible in order to obtain the relevant qualifications to pract. Want to pursue engineering and technical work of university students, in pract the cho of measurement on construction sites, building materials, geotechnical and road and bridge tenders of the roadbed, road, all bridge and culvert construction, surveying the work.









of the North. By means of this commercial intercourse Italy

摘要: 网上系统是基于B/S模式,前台应用DreamweerMX2004软件,后台结合ASP编程技术开发出来的。论文主要阐述一个功能比较强大的网上系统的后台作过程及一些关键技术。系统主要由数据库直接输入,时考生输入号和密码,核对正确后进入考生界面,考生界面主要有选择科目、成绩查询、组成,关键实现了考生在选择科目后进入窗体,计时,时间到,系统强制考生退出,及考完后对客观题的自动评分、存档。进入界面,界面主要由科目管理、题库管理、试卷生成、信息发布、用户管理等模块组成,的界面实现一般和系统提示两部分,系统提示部分显示未审批的和信息以及作废的作链接。登陆后实现标题下面多了一个系统提示部分,该部分显示未审批的或者以及还未批改的主观题信息,并附有审批及批改等作链接。通过这些功能实现了企业的低成本投入,高效率办公的宗旨。


On-line examination System Based On ASP

1 绪论

1.1 系统发展状况及前景



1.2 研究目标和意义

研究目标:利用ASP网络编程技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术实现B/S模式下的网上,主要完成题库管理、科目设置、试卷信息设置、发布、考场控制等功能,以便形成一个完整的有机统一的系统。


1 Introduction

1.1 Test System and the prospecTypical career path: budget ts - budget Engineers - Senior Consultant.ts for the dlopment of

In recent years, with the popularization and application of comrs, the comrs he quietly entered our lives, slowly changing our way of life. Since the invention of the comr, it has the aantage of a unique interpretation of the value of its own, in order to bring more and more human convenience. With the rapid dlopment of network technology, many foreign universities and other sectors of society he been set up distance education, through comr networks to achi remote education and training. Now, the dlopment of comr hardware technology has reached a fairly high ll. Howr, distance learning software dlopment is still in its infancy, with the deepening of the technology dlopment, it requires better, more comprehensive software which is applied to distance education to which software designers to make a more high design requirements. Including many aspects of distance education, such as the teaching , answering and examination s. One very important aspect is the online examination , at the same time it is also part of the most difficult to achi. In China, although the boom in distance education has been dloped, but the schools and the community are a variety of test mods using the traditional test, in this way, the organization at least one examination to go through five steps, namely, artificial questions, candidates examination, artificial marking, assesent and test results ysis. It is clear that with the r-increasing types of test and examination requirements of increasing the workload of teachers will he bigger and bigger, and their work will be a very cumbersome and very error-prone things can be said that the traditional mods of examination already can not meet the needs of modern examinations.

With the rapid dlopment of comr applications, web applications continue to expand, such as distance education and the emergence of virtual universities, etc., and these applications are moving into the tens of thousands of households. It is an urgent requirement to use these technologies to conduct online examinations, in order to reduce the workload of teachers and improve productivity at the same time improve the quality of the exam, so that examinations he become more civil, objective, and more to stimulate students interest in learning. For instance, many of the world's leading comr companies in hosting a variety of certification exams in this way the vast majority.

1.2 Research objectives and significance of

Study objectives: network programming using ASP technology and SQL SERVER 2000 database technology to achi B / S mode, online exam, the main questions to complete the mament of subjects setting, test message settings, press releases, site control and other functions in order to form a complete the organic unity of the examination .


Hence the argument to which we he aerted has this great

The new e-government building: technology chos Localization

Technology to achi the model is directly related to the e-government s and guidance on how the planning and construction technology to achi the key.

E-government construction in China has more than 20 years, the use of hardware and software technologies are mostly provided by foreign companies, from the practical need to see the results of research and dlopment in line with China's national conditions model of software technology. At present e-government construction of each unit and some blindly follow foreign hardware and software company's technology solutions go, did not form in line with China's actual conditions of rmation technology software and hardware technology models, face in-depth business needs, you can not be a real solution, once the foreign software company's products fully upgraded, then it is faced with is the upgrade or scrapped along with a difficult dilemma. At present, we must focus on the establishment of a self-owned inlectual property rights and characteristics suited to China's government offs, and is compatible with international standards of e-government standards, has dloped standards for e-government framework. Once again, we must also build e-government-related institutions and legal s. E-government s is a fundamental guarantee for the ooth progress.

A unified standard to achi localization of

A new generation of e-government technology, an important innovation in a unified model of software dlopment standards. Traditional e-government construction also involves a lot of companies and products, but they are a integration, linkage up, no problem as long as the functionality can be, leing behind what looked like an integrated, in fact, the situation is still fragmented.

These criteria are as follows.

Unified technical architecture unified architecture: A serv-oriented architecture design ideas, using multi-layer distributed architecture to build; unified database structure design: a unified database structure design rules for the standard database structure design; Unified Naming Specifications: a unified software coding, software product naming convention as the standard, the achiment of the product named reunification; unified database naming convention: to unify the database naming convention as the standard, the database name for each product to achi unity.

Unified Dlopment Code unified coding standard: a unified coding standard for the standard code dlodomination of foreign powers, in priestly rule at home, and in thepment; a unified technical dlopment specifications: to unify the technical dlopment specifications to dlop a unified technology roadmap requirements, product dlopment model calls for a unified basis for technical support requirements, environmental requirements, supporting a unified and a unified dlopment environment requirements; Uniform Domain Name norms: The Uniform Domain Name, in whole operating environment in the domain name for each product naming is running.

Unified Software integrated unified module intece specifications: a uniform intece standard specifications for each product integration intece; unified configuration specifications: the deployment of a unified standard specification installation to install, configure, deploy; unified intece specifications: a uniform intece specification, the easy to reach versatility, uniformity and aesthetics; uniform application of lls: to unify the standard business model to achi the mutual integration of various business applications and achi; unified arrangements of the specification: to unify the deployment of normative criteria for the allocation deployment server, the server installation of the deployment directory specification the database to deploy the distribution specification.

Unified Software Testing a single unit test specification: to unify the unit test specification to formulate a unified unit testing mods; unified test specification: A unified test specifications for uniform testing mods; a unified integration test specifications: to unify the integration test specifications to dlop a unified Integration testing mods.

Unified Software Dlopment Process Mament Unified mament standards: the standards dlopment process to dlop a unified software life-cycle mament ; uniform assesent standards: to unify the outcome of the assesent norm-setting product review process, evaluation criteria and evaluation ; uniform documentation standards: to unify the document format standards in the preparation of various types of product dlopment and mament of documents; Unified Project Mament Process specifications: to unify the project mament process to dlop standardized s dlopment project mament standards; uniformity of results in material submitted to norms: to unify the results of material submitted to standardize the dlopment of uniform standards for the results presented requirements.


4月20日 20:45 随着城市建设和公路建设的不断升温,土木工程专业的就业形势近年持续走高。找到一份工作,对大多数毕业生来讲并非是难事,然而土木工程专业的就业前景与政策及经济发展方向密切相关,其行业薪酬水平近年来更是呈现出管理高于技术的倾向,而从技术转向管理,也成为诸多土木工程专业毕业生职业生涯中不可避免的瓶颈。如何在大学阶段就为“钱”途做好准备,找到正确的职业发展方向呢?














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At 20:45 on April 20 with the construction and rising highway construction, civil engineering profession continue to move up the employment situation in recent years. Find a job, for the majority of graduates is not difficult, howr, the employment prospects of civil engineering with national policy and direction of economic dlopment is closely related to the pay lls of their industry in recent years is showing a tendency of mament than technology , and the shift from technology mament, has also become a lot of civil engineering graduates inevitable career bottlenecks. How to stage at the university as a "money" passers-by ready to find the right career direction?

Wood soil engineering in general can be divided into road and bridge engineering and construction of two different directions, in the career, the direction of these two itions both the unity of the whole as well as the details of the specific distinction. Generally speaking, the civil engineering direction of the main jobs are as follows:

1, the direction of engineering and technology

On behalf of the industry: construction companies, real estate dlopment enterprises, such as road and bridge construction enterprises.

Employment Prospects: Just like high-rise buildings we see around us is constantly where they stand, wide flat section of a road to continue to extend in all directions, the civil construction industry, engineering and technical personnel on demand also is growing. In 2004 to recruit the talent market to enter the various engineering and technical personnel to the enterprises involving a total of more than 100 industries, which in many cities in the talent market, the housing and civil engineering construction industry demand for talent has become the first. Along with economic dlopment and transformation of the road network, infrastructure construction work in the deepening of civil engineering and technical personnel in the current and future demand for a certain period of time will continue to rise. In addition, road and bridge and upgrading of infrastructure, as long as the talent market is not over-saturated conditions, can be said to he a civil engineering and technical personnel has been a good employment prospects.

Typical career path: Construction workers / technicians - Engineers / Foreman, Section Mar - Technical Mar - Project Mar / Chief Engineer.

Annual salary of reference: Construction workers / technicians: 15,000 ~ 2.5 million; foreman: 00 ~ 4 million; technical quality control mar: 45000 ~ 7 million; Project Mar: 50000 ~ 10 million;

2, design, planning and budget direction

The representative of ition: Project Designer, structural audit, planners, budget ts, Budget engineers.

Representatives of industry: engineering survey and design units, real estate dlopment business, traffic or municipal engineering departments bodies, aisory bodies, such as project cost.

Employment Prospects: Survey and Design Institute of the various members of the engineering design of the continued growth of demand in recent years, planning as a new career, with the deepening of construction, but also the need for more modern design and planning professionals. With the rise of consulting, engineering, construction industry, such as Budget and Final Accounts of the aisory serv has also become the new construction industry employment growth.

Annual salary of reference: budget ts: 15000 ~ 3 million; budget Engineer: 00 ~ 6 million; Town Planner: 40,000 ~ 70,000 yuan

Architect: 40000 ~ 10 million; total architect: 25 million yuan.

Expert recommendations: the need for such ts should be well versed not only expertise, but also requires sufficient大局观and work experience. Under normal circumstances, its pay and work experience in direct proportion. As an example to architects, contemporary architecture also requires environmental protection and sustainable dlopment, the architect needs to he a solid foundation and broad range of experience, at the same time learn and understand in pract. At present, the market for most of the architectural design professionals require more than 5 years of work experience, he a qualified registered architect, and served as a large residential dlopment or construction project design. Such jobs also need to obtain the appropriate credentials to pract, such as construction engineers need to register through the national organization of professional architects to get the qualifying examination, "Registered Architect Qualification Certificate" to jobs, the budget cost engineers need to obtain registration of qualified engineers or budget . In addition, such procedures also need to engage in all aspects to enhance their own self-cultivation, such as the need to be familiar with comr operation and maintenance of proficiency in the use of CAD drawing to a variety of engineering drawings as well as P3, such as the preparation of construction production planning, and some jobs such as architects need to of anthropology, aesthetics, history, and different times in different countries he a deep architectural understanding of the essence, and to be toger, forging their own style. These are the times from the students began to accumulate its own culture. Internship should be sible to select a number of units and work-related, such as real estate valuation, project budget, such as engineering drawing.

3, the quality of supervision and direction of project supervision

The representative of ition: Project Mament Engineer

On behalf of the industry: Construction, Road & Bridge Project Mament Company, quality supervision departments works.

Employment Prospects: The project supervision is emerging in recent years as a professional, with the construction, road and bridge construction quality control of the increasingly standardized, Commissioner of the industry since its birth on the face of unprecedented opportunities for dlopment and project supervision with the country's growing sound has a more broad space for dlopment.

Typical career path: Supervisor - Data members - who are directly responsible for the project - the professional supervision engineer - chief suher. But as soon as that took place, she could only he maintainedpervision engineer.

Annual salary of reference: the site supervisors: 18,000 ~ 2.5 million; projects were directly responsible for: 25,000 to 4 million; professional supervision engineer: 30,000 ~ 5 million; the overall supervision engineer: 40,000 ~ 80,000 yuan.

Experts recommend: Project Mament Industry is an emerging industry, it is also a lnsing with the combination of the industry very closely, their jobs and personal qualifications for promotion are closely related to the acquisition. In general, the supervisors need to obtain permits provincial supervisors ts, projects were directly responsible for supervision engineers need to obtain the province or permit Supervisor jobs, work experience, he a stronger ability to work. Supervision of professional engineers need to obtain permits induction provincial supervision engineers, supervision engineers need to obtain the total national registered supervision engineer professional qualification certification. Wood soil engineering college students want to enter the industry, during the school can take part in the provincial highway , construction supervision of organized training courses, pass the exam supervisors after induction card, then work experience with a corresponding increase in lls of pract to obtain qualification certificates. During the internship period, the option with the road and bridge construction and the direction of the direction of their school supervision in line company engaged in site supervision, measurement, data mament and so on.

4, the civil serv, teaching and research direction

On behalf of jobs: civil servants, teachers

Representatives of industries: transportation, municipal administration departments, colleges, scientific research and design units.

Employment prospects: civil serv reform as an ordinary university graduates to enter the open door organs, road and bridge construction industry brought about by the rapid dlopment of the great civil engineering professionals need to make the demand for teachers resulting growth, but needs attention is that competition in these industries generally more intense, the need for job-seekers he a high professional ll and overall quality.

Annual salary of reference: University Teachers: 25,000 to 4.5 million; secondary school teachers: 18,000 ~ 3 million; ordinary civil servants: 20,000 ~ 35,000 yuan.

Expert a: want to engage in such trades, on the one hand, during in-school courses to learn to make their own high professional standards, and the other direction with particular attention to theoretical knowledge of the overall quality of learning and personal dlopment, so they he a higher Putonghua, foreign languages, comrs and better adaptability.

麻烦帮我翻译一篇论文的摘要。 汉译英


Lu you is an famous patriotic poet, southern life over 9,000 were writing poetry in China, is the first deit of most existing poem of poets, whatr song dynasty poetry creation or offspring has had a tremendous impact. The content not only military subjects in the author's poems he more show, in the author's word has a considerable portion involved. In these poems, on the one hand, our lost territories, authors for performance of the reunification of the motherland, on the other hand also strong desire to express the author's own the building a solid career ambition. Content is extensive, some description of combat troops bre act, some description of the battle front scenery environment, some description of chaos immiseration of people's life. And these poems with the common lies yudu strong national consciousness of suffering and homeland consciousness, put soldiers in pursuit of national unity sense of mission, the author personal value , poetry rals the author from different sides of the great patriot, overall affections a solemn and stirring style characteristics, for the world left lucrative material, also let the poet YouGuoYouMin patriotic image more stereo. In this the situation, from poetry ideological content, artistic skills to yze the characterisher supremacy by placing herself at the head of a united Italy andtics of military theme poetry poet.

Italy, as he was also in the Nerlands and in Spain. He was theKeywords: lu you, army, patrioti


Robbery is the most serious property crime, it is not only the personal safety and property is very erous, but the high crime rate, So has a criminal attack them. Transformed robbery committed the offense of theft, fraud, plunder, for the harboring of stolen property, resisting arrest or destroy criminal evidence. in acts of violence or acts of coercion. Transformation of giving is a special robbery, robbery with the general structure of the logic is not the same. Due to China's criminal law provides for translating robbery to robbery involved, Chinese scholars also known as the "nr n conceived the idea of deriving benefit from theprospective robbery." But transformed robbery and the general crime of robbery is, after all, a great difference. Transformed robbery is not a typical robbery, but legal fiction by the robbery. I beli that conversion of robbery as a high incidence of crime, a clear understanding of the crime of robbery and general distinction, In theory clarify the accomplishment of the crime, attempted, suspension and complicity in the patterns of crime and the punishment of this crime, legislation, perfect for the legislature into robbery of the legislative reference, and to promote sound robbery legislative creation, for robbery and ual norms provide a legal basis for unity. In addition to guiding the pract of just is of great significance.

Keywords :On behalf of jobs: construction, and construction engineers, structural engineers, technical mars, project mars and so on. suspension; Accomplished; attempted; accompl


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