chance怎么读 chance怎么读?
2024-11-22 15:31 - 立有生活网
这是一个非常难得的机会,我一定要好好的珍惜它. 英语怎么说?
It is a very rare opportunity, I wil hold on to it carefully.(这是一个很难得的机会,我会好好抓住它的.) 前面两位说的都没有错, 不过英文没有那么。。。正规?的说法。 不知怎么解释, 不过一般如果你跟人家说英文是用上面的说法。 听起来会比较正常。(对了, 我的意思是楼上用的有点像的古文(比喻而已),你跟别人讲话是不会那样说话的)
chance怎么读 chance怎么读?
chance怎么读 chance怎么读?
chance怎么读 chance怎么读?
This is a golden chance, and I'll put up a good show
Chances like this are very rare.I will not let slip such a golden opportunity.
We don't often he an opportunity like this.I must seize the chance.
Here is a big chance.I must grasp this opportunity.
This is a chance once in a blue moon/It's a once in a lifetime chance.i really need cherish it.
once in a blue moon千载难逢
This is a very rare opportunity, I must cherish it well
I will treasure this invaluable opportunity
It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance. I'll definiy cherish it.
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