龙腾世纪起源 龙腾世纪起源dlc游玩顺序

2025-03-15 02:32 - 立有生活网


龙腾世纪起源 龙腾世纪起源dlc游玩顺序龙腾世纪起源 龙腾世纪起源dlc游玩顺序

龙腾世纪起源 龙腾世纪起源dlc游玩顺序

1、我的是XP系统,是这个!win7把My战士专精:灵魂武士Specialization: Spirit Warrior这个专精超强力,无论是肉还是DPS都可以获得强力技能,可以说算是战士中的一个专精!专精解锁:Amaranthine的Octham’s Goods专精技能:冒号后为技能所需等级The warrior dons a cloak of mystical energies from the Fade in order to evade a substantial proportion of physical attacks, although the mode drains stamina constantly. If the warrior has Soulbrand, this mode also adds a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and the warrior’s attacks all deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor. If the warrior has Blessing of the Fade, the chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed.帷幕彼岸(持续):20Beyond the Veil:20战士穿上一件来自于Fade的神秘能量斗篷,以抵挡相当一部分物理伤害,但这个模式会快速消耗体力。





6、The warrior has gained a deeper connection to the spirit world. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior gains a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and attacks now deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor (magic resistance +5, spirit damage +5%).梦境爆破(主动):25Fade Burst:25战士引爆来自帷幕另一端的能量,对所有周围敌人造成灵魂伤害,对来自梦境的生物有额外伤害。



9、梦境祝福(被动):28Blessing of the Fade:28战士能够从梦境中的友善灵魂上汲取力量。


11、The warrior is able to draw strength from the benevolent spirits of the Fade. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior’s chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed (magic resistance +5, spirit damage +5%).守卫者Specialization: Guardian肉盾,技能效果都是和血量挂钩的,主要是给团队加buff,也可以加在自己身上从而更加的肉专精解锁:Vigil’s Keep的Herren’s Merchandise守卫之盾(主动):20Guardian’s Shield:20忠于保护队友的守卫者在一名队友的周围建立一道护盾吸收伤害,大小取决于守卫者的体魄属性。


13、The Guardian, dedicated to protecting allies, builds a shield around a party member that absorbs an amount of damage based on the Guardian’s constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the strength of the shield.强化存在(主动):守卫者将整个队伍笼罩在神秘保护中,临时增加每个成员的护甲,强度和持续时间取决于守卫者的体魄属性。


15、The Guardian sheathes the entire party in mystical protection, granting each member a temporary bonus to armor, with strength and duration both dependent on the Guardian’s constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the armor bonus.。


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