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微观数据6.CLHLS (Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey)库4. CHARLS (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study)


2.CHIP (Chinese Househol1、要合并数据,除了在cmd下用copy命令合并,也可以在surfer工作表,用merge命令即可将各数据文件合并。2、旧版surfer的工作表能处理大约10亿行数据,新版无限制。d Income Proj微观数据库ect Survey)


5. RHS (Rural Household 1. UHS (Urban Househol7.CFPS (Chinese Family Panel Studies)d Survey)Survey)


1. UHS indinc_cpi: 就是个人收入(individual income)按照CPI调整后的数据,一般是调整到报告期内一年的物价水平。 hhsize:家庭规模(household size) hhincpc_cpi:刚刚看到所以回来补充一下, Per capita HH income inflated to 20XX,就是调整到报告期内末年物价水平的人均家庭收入。(U微观数据库rban Household Survey)


2.CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Surv4. CH3. CHNS (China Health and Nutrition Survey)ARLS (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study)ey)


2.CHIP (Chinese Hous4. CHARLS (China Health and R8.CHFS ( China Household Finance Survey)etirement Longitudinal Study)ehold Income Project Survey)


7.CFPS (Chinese 三星5. RHS (Rural Household Survey)手机鉴别真伪之方法Family Panel Studies)


满7.CFPS (Chinese Fa这是CHNS的主页: 根据以为师兄说里面的数据是免费的。如果你的英文不成问题的话, 找到你要的数据应该不成问题。 附: The Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prntion are pleased to announce the ailability of cross-sectional data from the 1989, 19, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004 and 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) and to announce the initial ailability of a set of new Longitudinal Master files. The CHNS project was designed to examine the effects of the health, nutrition, and family planning policies and programs implemented by national and local governments and to see how the social and economic transformation of Chinese society is affecting the health and nutritional status of its population. The impact on nutrition and health behiors and outcomes is gauged by changes in community organizations and programs as well as by changes in sets of household and individual economic, demographic, and social factors.mily Panel Studies)意请采纳


三星手7.CFPS (Chinese Family Panel Studies)机鉴别真伪之由于市场存在山寨机、、克隆机、翻新机等,通过刷机等手段可以更改手机IMEI号,因此单凭串号、软件检测、IMEI号、手机产地等是无法准确鉴别手机真伪、是否为行货的。方法


这是CHNS的主页: 根据以为师兄说里面的数据是免费的。如果你的英文不成问题的话, 找到你要的数据应该不成问题满意请采纳。 附: The Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prntion are pleased to announce the ailability of cross-sectional data from the 1989, 19, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004 and 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) and to announce the initial ailability of a set of new Longitudinal Master files. The CHNS project was designed to examine the effects of the health, nutrition, and family planning policies and programs implemented by national and local gover8.CHFS ( China Household Finance Survey)nments and to see how the social and economic transformation of Chinese society is affecting the health and nutritional status of its population. The impact on nutrition and health behiors and outcomes is gauged by changes in community organizations and programs as well as by changes in sets of household and individual economic, demographic, and social factors.


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