中考英语阅读理解表格题 中考英语阅读表格题答题技巧

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中考英语阅读理解表格题 中考英语阅读表格题答题技巧中考英语阅读理解表格题 中考英语阅读表格题答题技巧

中考英语阅读理解表格题 中考英语阅读表格题答题技巧



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(14分)

I am lucky to he had great teachers in my life. Since I started teaching this year, I he spent a lot of time thinking about what makes a good teacher n b___81___. I hope someday to he students feel about me the way I feel about Mrs. Mitchell (1st grade), Mrs. Porter (4th grade), Mrs. Morin (9th grade), Mr. Turner ( 11th grade History), Mrs. Fields(12th grade Biology),and so many more through all these years.

I may not know what the magic is for a great teacher but I do know that there are a few c___82___ characteristics( 特点) among those I he met.

●All my forite teachers taught me both “the w___83_____” of the course or class and also “the why”—why it was important to learn to read, to count, to write an article, to understand the different parts of health .

●All my forite teachers whose name I remember and whose lesson ed shape the person I am today s respected me and expected respect f_84___ me. Questions were expected and valued. There was always too much to d___85___, to challenge, to learn.

●All my forite teachers’ classed stretched outside the c___86______. When I was younger, I could ask a great teacher a question in the hallway or on the playground and know I would get a ile, an encouragement and an answer. As I got older, I could email questions to my teachers, come early to school or stay l__87___ after a lecture to further study a point, or ask for a.

Even today, when I think of one of my forite teachers or two, I hope I am them proud.


(在短文的.空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Throughout the 1900s, almost ryone knew how to jump, or “skip” rope. And it wasn’t just kids on playgrounds chanting silly rhymes or singing fourite songs. Champion boxes like Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali jumped rope to build stamina (耐力) and dlop quick footwork.

The activity of rope-jumping for f 81 and exercise has most likely been around for thousands of years. Historians beli children skipping rope, and medieval (中世纪的) European paintings s 82 children skipping rope on the cobblestone (鹅卵石) streets.

The earliest jump ropers in North America may he been Dutch immigrants, who brought the Double Dutch with them in the 1600s. In Double Dutch, two turners h 83 the ends of two ropes and turn them in opite directions as one person jumps between them. When the was first introduced, girls couldn’t participate, partly because they were c 84 weaker, and exercise was thought of as unfeminine (不适合女性的). Also, girls wore l 85 dresses that got in the way.

Once girls did start jumping, howr, they really took over. And later, it was m 86 girls who were better at this activity. Now, both girls and boys jump rope. Jumping rope has become a worldwide competitive sport in which children and s compete in both single and t 87 nts.

So, pick up a rope, find a silly rhyme or your forite song, and start jumping.



Now more than 20 schools in the northwest of China (64) __________ (use) E-textbooks. Some teachers say that they make learning easier and (65) __________ (teach) more convenient.

Jing Xuan is excited about lessons like Chinese, English and math. She (66) __________ (enjoy) the pictures and animations (动画) in the E-textbooks. The children here (67) _______ (study) with E-textbooks since last September

With the of the E-textbooks, some good ideas (68) __________ (share) at times. Some parents encourage their children (69) __________ (try) the E-textbooks to make learning easier. But others worry about their children’s health.

“You can’t imagine how the growing popularity of E-textbooks is changing the way the students learn! More and more students (70) __________ (learn) with E-textbooks in the future. Howr, there’s still a long way to go.” said the head.



Years ago ,if a ager had some problems in his life, he might write them in his diary. Now a ager w__96___the same problems might get on the Internet and write them in his blog. In many ways, a diary and a blog are almost the same. So, what makes a blog d___97___from a diary?

The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public t__98___ a diary. Usually, a ager likes hiding his diary book and treats it as one full of secrets. B__99___ diaries and blogs l what happened to the writer that day.

A blog has both good and bad points(特点). The biggest problems is that anyone can read what you write in your blog. If you are not satisfied with a friend during school and write soming bad about him in your diary, he will n__100___ know it. Howr, if you do this on the Internet, that friend may read your blog and get a_____101___. So we he to be careful of what we write.

A blog has good points, of course. People choose to write in blogs, they know that their friends will read what they write. If you are f____102___sad one day and write in your diary, no one will know about it. If you write the same words in your blog, your friends may quickly w___103__back to comfort you or offer their . Blogs people stay in close contact and let them know w__104___ their friends are doing.

Though it’s a good way to write blogs about ryday life, I still p_105__my old diary.



81—87 better, chief, what, from, discover, classroom, late


81. fun 82. show 83. hold 84. considered 85. long 86. mainly 87. team


64. are using 65. teaching 66. enjoys 67. he studied/he been studying

68. are shared / can be shared 69. to try 70. can learn / will learn


96.with 97.different 98.than 99.Both 100.nr

101.angry 102.feeling 103.write 104. what 105.prefer




【中考英语阅读表达解题技巧】 近几年在各地中考英语试题中,又出现一种新题型——务型阅读。它是根据任务型教学设计而成的,它是介于阅读理解与书面表达之间的一种题型。它要求学生在阅读文章后能对文章中某些细节做到准确把握或对整篇文章进行提炼概括,是一种读写结合的题型。这种题型既考查学生的阅读理解能力,也考查学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,还考查学生运用英语语言将有关内容以文字形式正确地表达出来的能力。





一、 确阅读任务

任务型阅读一般提供一段或几段阅读材料,在材料后设置5 个任务,做题时我们应先阅读所给的任务,明确任务是什么,再带着任务去阅读材料,这样就能做到心中有数,有针对性地去读,并能提高阅读效率。

二、 读全文,了解大意

明确任务后,应迅速阅读全文来了解文章主要内容,以及文章的感情基调、作者的意图、态度倾向。在材料后的问题设置中,经常有对文章大意的考查。对于概括大意的题目,需要通篇考虑,对要点加以归纳概括,这类题目有时可以从文中找到,但有时需要用自己的话来概括。这类题,属于难度较大的题,对文章还得再读一读,才能总结出来。除此之外,还经常考查“给文章拟一个标题”。这类题目可以通过寻找主题句和高频词来完成。根据英文写作的特点,主题句往往是首句或结尾句,但当没有主题句时,则应从全文中全面、简练地去提炼、概括。文章的标题可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子,但不管是什么,确定标题必须遵循以下两个原则:① 概括性原则,即标题应在程度上覆盖全文,体现文章的.中心大意。② 醒目性原则,即标题必须力求吸引读者的注意力。

三、 读细节,逐题攻克

(一) 寻找细节,从原文中找


(二) 精读细节,理解深层含义

任务型阅读,也是阅读理解的一种题型,不仅考查学生直接获取信息的能力,还可考查学生通过已知信息进行推理,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓义。因此,这就要求考生要具备通过已知信息进行判断推理能力和透过字面意思解读深层含义能力,这一类型题在阅读测试中属于难度较大的题目。在做这一类型的题目时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,捕捉文章中有关的信息,精读特定细节及周围的句子来帮助理解。做这一类型的题时,还需注意:① 把握文章的内在逻辑关系,以文章提供的事实和观点为依据,立足原文,推断未知。不能主观臆造,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。② 在理解全文的基础上,吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉一些线索,对文章的表面意思进行挖掘加工,悟出作者的深层含义或弦外之音。


① 在答题时,总的原则就是:能简略回答,尽量简略回答。

② 书写要规范。句子开头首字母要大写;标点符号要规范,并能正确使用;单词拼写要正确无误;单词书写要认真。这些方面也要引起考生注意,力争避免不必要的失分。

③ 作出适当调整。在回答时,同学们应对照题目,根据需要对句子的人称、单复数、时态、语态、词性、主谓搭配等作出适当的调整。

四、 通读全文,仔细检查



【中考英语中的填表型任务阅读解题策略】 一、题型














为了方便广大初中生对于 英语 的学习,我为大家整理分享了英语知识点,仅供参考。



1. 介词:in, on, under, behind

1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。in my bag 在我的书包里in our class 在我们班上

2). on 表示"在……上"。例如: on the wall 在墙上

3). under表示"在……下"。例如:under the tree 在树下

4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如:behind the door 在门后

2. 冠词 a / an / the:

冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple.



一般现在时:常与always,often,sometimes, ry day连用,表示习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。提醒你当第三人称单数做主语时,别忘了动词的变化。注意:象"地球大,月亮小"等客观真理、事实一定用一般现在时。

现在进行时:要注意其构成:由be+动词+ing,表示说话时正在进行的动作。如:We're studying now. 我们现在正在学习。

一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与yesterday,last year,in 1949,two years ago,等表示过去时间的状语连用。注意:We often went to dance last summer.有的同学一见到often就想到用一般现在时,其实因为后面有表示过去时间的 last summer,所以要用过去式,千万别误用了,切记,切记。







Passage 1

Personalities of some Chinese Birth Signs

The Rat (SHU)

People born under the year of the Rat are generous and easygoing to those that they love and care for. They generally he happy and lively personalities and are very outgoing, although they lose their temper sometimes. On the whole they are successful in what they choose to do, full of imagination and he very good memories. The Rat is a lover of money and a hater of waste and idleness.

The Rabbit (TU)

People born under the year of the Rabbit don’t often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. They are considerate, kind and thoughtful towards others. The Rabbit is the symbol of a long life. They are said to draw their life energy from the moon. They like an easy and good time and give good a, although they shy away from promises.

The Dog (GOU)

People born under the year of the Dog seem to be liked very well as it is one of the most popular animals. Dog people are truthful and clr, with a strong sense of fairness. They nr oid their duties. They always do their fair share of things and will always “listen to reason”. They are ful, open-minded, nr envious, and he great insight into human nature. They are also bre and practical. Howr, if you try to look into their affairs, they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don’t really like.

Choose the best answer for each question.

( ) 1. People born under the year of the Rat _______.

A. love money better than anything else

B. are hard-working

C. are good at choosing things

D. think much but do little

( ) 2. People born under the year of the Rabbit _______.

A. don’t like to l others what they think

B. enjoy living a busy life

C. often get on well with others

D. don’t beli others’ promises

( ) 3. People born under the year of the Dog _______.

A. like to do soming secretly

B. are unhappy when others he done soming better

C. often make excuses for their mistakes

D. are good at seeing straight through others

( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Rat people can keep few things in mind.

B. Rabbit people prefer the moon to the sun.

C. Dog people like to look into others’ affairs.

D. Dog people are willing to others.

( ) 5. What kind of people will not show their dissatisfaction to others?

A. Rat people.

B. Rabbit people.

C. Dog people.

D. All the above.

Passage 2

Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when soming special happens. The expression is probably based on church customs. For almost 600 years, church calendars he been marked with red to show special holy days. Today’s calendars are still marked that way with the dates of holidays and special days printed in red.

The expression “a red-letter day” is often heard in ryday life. “A red-letter day” is a day that people are especially happy. It may be a day that you he long waited for, a wedding day, for example. Or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might l a friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, because you won some money in the lottery.

“Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the red carpet” for its baseball team, when the team arrives home after winning a championship. A group of supporters go to the airport to greet the team. The red-carpet welcome includes a lot of cheering by thousands of fans, a parade, music and speeches of praise by local politicians.

Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. “Red-handed” is one. To be caught “red-handed” is to be found in an act of wrong doing. The evidence is clear. You are guilty.

Today we use the expression to be caught “red-handed” in situations that are not serious. For example, a mother might say she caught her son red-handed, taking cookies out of the cookie jar.

Choose the best answer for each question.

( ) 1. The expression “a red-letter day” perhaps first came from _______.

A. English customs B. church calendars

C. weekdays D. a dictionary

( ) 2. You can say it’s a red-letter day if _______ on that day.

A. you find a good job B. you borrow some money

C. you are free D. you write a letter to your friend

( ) 3. We usually roll out the red carpet when _______.

A. a friend of ours drops by our house

B. someone is going to lee

C. we give someone a warm welcome

D. we move into a new house

( ) 4. You are caught “red-handed” when your teacher _______ in class.

A. sees you putting up your hand

B. finds you talking

C. asks you some questions

D. says you are clr

( ) 5. Which is the best title of this passage?

A. Red Is a Useful Color

B. How to Use Red

C. Red in Some Expressions

D. What’s a Red-letter Day

E. Answer the questions

Nowadays there is less and less contact(联络) between the old and the young. There are mainly four reasons for this, including the breakdown of the big family, working parents with little time to take care of their child, families that he moved away, and aller flats with no room for grandparents. But the results are the same - increasing numbers of children without grandparents and old people who he no contact with children, more old people who are lonely and feel useless, and more and more families with young children who need more love and care. It’s a big problem in many countries.

Now intergenerational (代际交流) programmes, designed to bring the old and the young toger, are growing popular all over the world. There are successful examples of such programmes. There are schemes(方案) which involve older people visiting families who are hing problems, maybe looking after the children for a while to give the tired mother a break. Or “adopt a grandparent” schemes in which children write letters or visit a lonely old person in their area. One successful scheme in London pairs(使结对) young volunteer with old people who are losing their sight. The young people with practical things such as reading newss, reading bank statements and ing with shopping, and the older people can pass on their knowledge and experience to their young visitors. For example, a retired judge may be paired with a ager who wants to study law.

If older people can understand and accept the youth of today, and so do the youth, there will be less conflict(矛盾) in the world.

99. Is there more and more contact between the old and the young?


100. How many reasons are mentioned(提到) for this situation?


101. Many old people feel lonely and useless, don’t they?


102. What is designed to bring the old and the young toger?


103. Where does the successful scheme pair young volunteers with old people who are losing their



104. If you take part in the “adopt a grandparent” scheme, will you pass on your

experience or visit a lonely old person?

I will_______________________________________________.

105. Why are intergenerational programmes growing popular all over the world?





初中英语阅读理解题【1】 In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.

In England, people can also he summer in winter, or he winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.

When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella (伞)or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.

If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.

1. Why do people in England often talk about the weather?

A. Because they may he four seasons in one day

B. Because they often he very good weather

C. Because the weather is warm just like in spring

D. Because the sky is sunny all day

2. From the story we know that when _________come, there is a hey rain.

A. sunshine and snow B. black clouds

C. summer and winter D. spring and autumn

3. "People can also he summer in winter." Means "it is sometimes too ______in winter."

A. warm B. cool C. cold D. rainy

4. In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because ________.

A. their friends ask them to do so B. it often rains in England

C. they are going to sell them D. they are their fourite things

5. The best title (标题)for this passage is ________.

A. Bad Seasons B. Summer or Winter

C. The Weather in England D. Strange English People


初中英语阅读理解题【2】 Joe, you are a very old dog,” said polman Fred. “Today is your birthday again. I remember you were 14 years old last year. But you are still the best pol dog in the world!”

“ARF! ARF!” barked Joe.

“You are welcome,” said Fred. “ Now let’s get your birthday dinner. Show me where

you want to eat.

Joe led Fred down the street. Good ells came from all the eating places. But Joe wandered on闲逛. At last he stopped at a all place. He elled around the door. Then he pushed the door open.

“Is this where you want to eat?” asked Fred. But Joe did not bark an answer. He put his nose to the floor and ran across the room. Then he jumped on a man at a table! “Good boy, Joe!” said Fred. Joe and Fred he looked for the robber for ten years. “And now you he found him!”

Joe and Fred took the robber to the pol station. Then Fred said, “All right, Joe, you he done your work. Well done! Congratulations. Now do you want that birthday dinner?” “ARF!” barked Joe, “ARF! ARF!” “Let’s go,” said Fred. “I’m gry, too.”

1. How old is Joe?

A Fif. B Five. C Thir. D Four.

2. How many years he the pol and Joe looked for the robber?

A 13. B 10. C 6. D 7.

3. In the story, Joe says “ARF! ARF!” tw. The first time he means “____”.

A Hello! How are you? B Thank you.

C Oh. No. I’m not a good dog. D I’m sorry to hear that.

4 Fred wants to give Joe a dinner because ____.

A it’s Joe’s birthday B today is Fred’s birthday

C Fred found an eating place D Joe caught the robber

5 Joe is great, isn’t he?

A Yes, he is. B No, he isn’t. C Yes, he isn’t. D No, he is.

:1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A

初中英语阅读理解题【3】 I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning. He is almost sick when my mother calls, "Herbert! It's sn o'clock! Get up!"

Herbert answers, "I'm coming!" and goes right back to sleep. I'm not at all like my brother. I don't like to go to bed at night but I don't mind getting up in the morning. I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed, brush my te, comb my hair, and get ready to go downstairs for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.

But not Herbert. He just sleeps. A military band (军乐队) in our bedroom could not wake him up. I call him and say, "Get up! Mum will be up here to pull you out of bed if you don't get up immediay!"

But he just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. It's that way ry day with my little brother. Perhaps some day he'll learn to get up on time, but I really don't think so.

True or False

1. The most terrible thing in life for my little brother is going to school.

2. I'm not like my brother because I like to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.

3. I usually jump out of bed and go into the bathroom for a shower before my mother calls.

4. When mother calls, Herbert doesn't answer and remains in bed.

5. My mother often has to go upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed as he refuses to get up.

6. Sometimes we he to send for a military band to wake Herbert up.

7. The writer thinks some day Herbert will learn to get up on time.

: 1-7. F T T F T F F






完形填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个 文章 逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组 短语 搭配的使用能力, 这是大部分考生认为难度的考查项目。

有些考生的听力基础知识部分做的还比较好,但是完形填空却只能做对一两道,有的甚至对完形填空产生了恐惧心理,导 致全军覆没。其实只要我们有信心,有良好的心理素质,再加上一定的技巧,完形填空并不是不可逾越的鸿沟。





如在Comr一文中,作者贯穿文章始终的主线为Comrs are important for human beings,但到了,作者笔锋一转,提出Are you afraid if comrs can really think one day?作者的行文走向是一种担心和忧虑,所以读者既要善于听话听音,也要把握准文脉,及时调整、定位自己的思路,就会发现上述问题的正确回答应该是 Yes,we are afraid.


一类短语是由动词 介词,或动词 副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练、使用灵活、表达生动,

如break the ,look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one's eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to,in a blink of,on ryone's lips,at the age of等。






有时会遇到这样的情况,大部分词都填出来了,只有一、两个难词绞尽脑汁仍不得要领,如果考试时间允许,不要轻易放弃。先从语法角度考虑,再从逻辑角度考虑是否有隐含意思、作者的情感以及背景 文化 和习俗等。

有时 句子 好像什么也不缺,读上去很完整,就必须考虑,很可能缺的就是连词and,副词then、always、sometimes等,如果还未填出,应反复默念几遍,有些词就会悄然而至,在你的记忆中浮现出来。






记叙文 阅读主要抓四大要素,即时间、地点、人物和的起因、发展和结果,以及人物之间的关系、表现,从中分析他们思想品质、性格特征等;

议论文 是阐明作者对人或事的好坏的立场观点,因此在阅读时必须正确把握文章的论点和论据,理清论证思路,再进行逻辑推理得出结论;

应用文是最贴近日常生活的文体,它包括通知、 广告 、便条、 申请书 、,形式多样,题材各异,如图示、表格、地址、网址等,对这类文体的阅读应简明扼要地抓住所需信息,理解文章内容。





初中英语教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料,换言之,这就是促使学生的知识内化的过程,学生要通过知识内化将内隐的心理活动转换为外显的行为,可以借助以下的几种 方法 完成内化过程:



前缀un-表 反义词 ,如happy、unhappy;fair、unfair;important、unimportant等。

后缀- ment表名词,如dlop、dlopment;state、statement;argue、argument等。


4用知识和生活 经验 理解短文

如根据化学知识,可以理解科普读物Water is made from oxygen and hydrogen;根据生活经验可以理解Green plants let out oxygen and breathe in carbon dioxide.

还有一种方法是根据逻辑推理理解短文。逻辑推理实际上就是文章的“弦外之音”、“言下之意”。如一道中考模拟卷阅读问题, Then they came to the second picture. The assistant was going to draw the cloth as he did before. As soon as he touched the cloth, he cried, “Wonderful It's the best picture I he r seen!” 据此可以推断出第二张画画的是一块布。



如,Parents whose children show a special interest in a particularsport he a difficult decision to make about their children's career.

先找出本句的主、谓、宾为Parents he a decision.

再找出修饰语Whose children show a special interest in a particular sport为Parents的定语从句,difficult修饰decision,to make about their children's careers为不定式做decision的定语。



中考英语阅读理解【1】 You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called “ABC”? You may like eating bananas. But do you know there are people called “banana persons”? If you don’t know, I will l you. They are Chinese people like you and me, but they aren’t in China.Why do people call them like that?

“ABC” means American-born Chinese. An “ABC” is a Chinese,

but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people also call them

“banana persons”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So when

a person is a banana, he or she is white (American) inside and yellow (Chinese)


They are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Even

their nationality(国籍) is American. So they think like Americans and do things

like Americans. But they still he Chinese blood(血). Their parents, grandparents

or n great-grandparents were from China. They all he black eyes and black hair.

So they look like us Chinese people. For example, we all know the famous scientist

C.N.Yang. He is an “ABC” and he is a “banana person”. We like him, although(虽然)

his nationality isn’t Chinese.

57.What does “ABC” mean?

A. American-born Chinese B. American-born Canadian

C. Australian-born Chinese D. Chinese-born Chinese

58.Why do people call an “ABC” a “banana person”?

A. They look like Americans but they think like Chinese.

B. They look like Chinese but they think like Americans.

C. They like to eat bananas.

D. They can speak “ABC” very well.

59.Why do ABCs think like Americans?

A. Because they live in America for a long time

B. Because they are born in America.

C. Because they want to be Americans.

D. Both A and B.

60.What colour are their eyes and hair?

A. Their eyes and hair are black.

B. Their eyes and hair are yellow.

C. Their eyes and hair are white.

D. Their eyes and hair are black and yellow.

61.Which person of the following is a “banana person”?

A. 杨利伟 B. 科比 C. 杨振宁 D. 姚明

中考英语阅读理解【2】 Take a look at agers around, dressed in baggy-pants (宽松裤), drinking soft drinks such as coke, reading Japanese cartoons. Wher you are in Beijing, Wuhan or Hong Kong, you will get the same impression. But should we copy others or should we maintain (保留) our differences?

It sounds convenient that people around the world speak the same language, dress in the same style, eat the same food and play the same s. If the world was like this, you won’t feel strange in any corner of world. But just imagine living in such a strange world. How dull and colorless it would be!

Different kinds of food that people can taste, the colorful and fashionable clothes that we dress in and different languages we speak are all part of the different cultures that our ancestors left us. These differences represent their creativity (创造力) and talent. And we all enjoy different cultures in our daily lives. When you trel to other places, you want to see different things. When you talk to foreigners you expect to listen to interesting stories. These differences in culture are what make life colorful.

But the whole world is shrinking into a all village as globalization (全球化) takes effect and many different cultures are disappearing. In most big cities around the world people wear the same clothes. Fast food stores are rywhere. Hollywood movies are kicking traditional performing arts out of our lives. The colors of our life are disappearing.

There is joke that n the panda and zebra want to live a colorful life. So let’s take action to protect our colorful culture before it becomes as as black and white.

It’s not difficult. Learning some folk songs, trying on a traditional clothing and n eating local food instead of going to KFC can . And we’re sure you will enjoy it.

【小题1】The passage is written to _______.

A. explain cultural differences B. convince readers to maintain cultural differences

C. predict the future of globalization D. show some cultural phenomena(现象)

【小题2】The author thinks that cultural differences _______.

A. make the world colorful B. make communication difficult

C. only exist in food and clothing D. will nr fade away

【小题3】The author starts the argument by ________.

A. mentioning certain cultural phenomena

B. mentioning his view at the very beginning

C. mentioning the opite view at the very beginning

D. giving examples of cultural differences

【小题4】The underlined word “shrink” probably means “_______”.

A. expand B. disappear C. become aller D. grow in number

【小题5】The author talks of all the following cultural phenomena except _______.

A. food B. clothing C. language D. architecture

中考英语阅读理解【3】 People use money to buy food, books and dreds of other things they need. When they work, they usually get paid in money.

Most of the money used today is made of metal or . But in the time long ago, people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells.

In China, cloth and knives were used as money. Elephant tusks(牙), monkey tail and salt were used in some parts of the world. R was also a kind of money used by the people in some islands. Some animals were used as money, too.

The first copper coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the center. Different countries he used different metals for their money. Later, some countries began to make coins of gold and silver(银). But gold and silver were hey to carry when people needed a lot of coins to buy soming expensive. The Chinese were the

first to use money. The first money looked more like a note from one person to another than the money used today.

Money has had an interesting story from the days of shell money till today.

63.People usually use money .

A.to buy gold

B.to get soming they want

C.to buy shells

D.to buy soming expensive

64.Long, long ago people all over the world used as money.

A.the same metal

B.the same

C.the different metals

D.all kinds of things

65.In the past, the ancient Chinese used to he cloth and knives .

A.as a tool

B.as money

C.as a gift

D.as a kind of goods

66. was also a kind of money used by the people in some islands.





67.The first money .

A.looked like the same as the money used today

B.1ooked interesting

C.1ooked like a note

D.had a square hole in the center

解析 57.A






试题分析:本文介绍了为什么把美籍华人称为“ABC”and “Banana Persons”

57.细节理解题,根据文中语句““ABC” means American-born Chinese.”理解可知。“ABC”指的是美籍华人,故选A。

58.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Even their nationality(国籍) is American. So they think like Americans and do things like Americans.”理解可知。他们的思想和做事风格是美国人,但血统是人,故选B。

59.细节理解题,根据文中语句“They are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Even their nationality(国籍) is American. So they think like Americans and do things

like Americans.”理解可知。因为他们出生在美国,生活在美国受到了教育也是美国式的教育,故选D。

60.细节理解题,根据文中语句“They all he black eyes and black hair.So they look like us Chinese people.”理解可知。他们的外貌特征还是一个人,故眼睛和头发都是黑色的,故选A。

61.细节理解题,根据文中语句“For example, we all know the famous scientist

C.N.Yang. He is an “ABC” and he is a “banana person”. We like him, although(虽然)

his nationality isn’t Chinese.”理解可知。杨振宁就是一个ABC人。故选C。












【小题2】根据第二段These differences in culture are what make life colorful. 及本段描述,可知正是文化异才让我们的世界多姿多彩。故选A。


【小题4】联系下文into a all village as globalization (全球化)描述,可知此处指的是整个世界正在变小,故选C,变得更小。











63.根据People use money to buy food, books and dreds of other things they need. 可知选B

64.根据But in the time long ago, people used to use all kinds of things as money.可知选D

65.根据In China, cloth and knives were used as money. 可知选B

66.根据R was also a kind of money used by the people in some islands. 可知选C

67.根据The first money looked more like a note 可知选C






中考英语阅读理解【1】 When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes yoeally need. Then look for those clothes on sale(销售).

There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels l you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may l you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may l you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say "dry clean only." Washing may ruin(损坏)this coat. If you do as the directions(说明)say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check(核实)to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will se money if you buy clothes that can be washed.

You can se money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good n after they he been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit(合身)better. Sometime less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.

1.If you want to se money you can buy clothes that _____.

A. don’t fit you

B. don’t last long

C. need to be dry cleaned

D. can be washed

2.The label inside the clothes l you______.

A. how to keep them looking their best

B. how to se money

C. wher they fit you or not

D. where to get them dry cleaned

3.The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is ______.

A. to look for well-made clothes

B. to see how much money you can pay

C. to know how to wash them

D. to read the labels inside them

4.We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes ______.

A. are always worse made

B. must be dry cleaned

C. can not be washed

D. can sometimes fit you better

5.The best title(标题) for the reading should be ______.

A. Buying Less Expensive Clothes

B. Taking Enough Money When Shopping

C. Being a Clr Clothes Shopper

D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes

参:1.此题为理解题,从第二段Dry cleaning is expensive. You will se money if you buy clothes that can be washed.可以看出C不对,又可以从第三段很容易判断出A和B不对。





中考英语阅读理解【2】 Dear Mr / Ms,

We are very pleased to welcome President William Taylor and Mar James Rogers to Beijing and Shanghai in April for about a week. We offer the following itinerary (行程表) for your consideration.

Monday, April 18

4:00 pm Arrive in Beijing and be met at the airport by President of Asia Trading Co. (贸易公司)

4:15 pm Lee for Great Wall Ho

7:30 pm Dinner

Tuesday, April 19

9:30 am Discussion at Asia Trading Co. Building

2:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm Group discussions

8:00 pm Cocktail (鸡尾酒) party

Wednesday, April 20

9:00 am Discussion

12:00 noon Sign the Letter of Intent (签订意向书)

1:30 pm Beijing Duck Dinner

3:30 pm Visit the Summer Palace

6:00 pm Take a plane for Shanghai

Yours faithfully

1. William Taylor and James Rogers will arrive in Beijing on __________.

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday

2. They will at 9:30 am on April 19.

A. arrive at Great Wall Ho

B. he a cocktail party

C. visit the Summer Palace

D. he a discussion

3. Their group discussions will last hours.

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

4. They will go to Shanghai on Wednesday.

A. by car B. by train C. by air D. by ship

5. The letter is mainly about __________.

A. a plan of a journey (行程)

B. a business meeting

C. an important discussion

D. a business between two companies

参:1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A

中考英语阅读理解【3】 The idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to India. When talking to an Indian, he would often shake his head. The visitors might think that the Indian did not like what they said. But, in fact, they would be compley wrong.

Indians always shake their heads when they talk to each other. It does not he the same meaning as “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or it will give him some trouble.

One day, a foreign offr went to India on business. He hired a car and an Indian to drive it. When he told his driver to send him to his off, the Indian shook his head at once. The offr said again, and the driver shook his head again. At last, the offr, of course, got angry.

“How dare yoefuse my order?” he shouted. “Drive me to my off at once!”

The driver answered in quite loud vo, too. “Yes, sir!” But to the offr’s surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

The car started, and the foreign offr was now too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a ile, “‘No’ means ‘Yes’ here!”

1. An Indian would shake his head when ______.

A. he didn’t want to do anything

B. he agreed with others

C. he talked to others

2. The foreign offr was surprised that ______.

A. the driver could not understand him

B. the driver refused his order

C. the driver shook his head as he said “Yes”

3. The sentence “‘No’ mean ‘Yes’ here!” means ______.

A. in India the words Yes and No he the same meaning

B. Indians don’t say “No” when they don’t agree with each other

C. We shake our heads to say “No”, not “Yes” as Indians do

4. What do Indians often do when they talk?

A. Smile.

B. Shake their heads.

C. Bow to each other.

5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Shaking the head doesn’t always he the same meaning in different countries.

B. When an India shakes his head, he really means Yes.

C. In India shaking the head means No.

参:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C



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