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经典英语朗诵美文篇一 知足Contentment

Contentment is such a rare state of mind that n the wisest men sometimes find it difficult to get. There is no end to what the heart can desire. We may nr he all that we want, and we will always be unhappy if we can’t be satisfied with what we already he.


We foolishly ignore our loved one to search for more material sessions, only to find the joy it brings is temporary. We may lose that loved one we he ignored. We nr can l what will happen tomorrow, so appreciate and treasure people and things around us now.


Disappointment comes when we can’t get what we he desired or expected. The way to happiness is to learn how to control our human desires, especially the desire to he more.


Someone once said that the constant preoccupation with desires is a sure road to misery. Don’t seek for wealth or riches. Instead, seek to be content.


经典英语朗诵美文篇二 充分利用时间Make Full Use of Your Time

When you can only do a little, do it. Soon, you’ll he the chance to do a little more, and a little more again, until the job is done.


When you only he a moment or two, make full use of whatr time you he. Even when you can’t get all of it done, you can get some of it done.


Forget about the time you don’t he, and use the time you do he. Instead of worrying about how you’ll do it all, focus on doing what you can do right now.


Achiment requires many steps. So take one step each time that you can.


Don’t waste your time complaining when interruptions knock you off track. Just get yourself beyond them and get quickly back to work.


Do what you can, when you can, as often as you can. Your persisten, consistent efforts will steadily take you where you choose to go.


经典英语朗诵美文篇三 你随时可以成功

To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you don’t need to know all the answers in aance. But you must he a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.


All you he to do is know where you’re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. Don’t procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem. Break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.


If you can get up the courage to begin, you he the courage to succeed. It’s the job you nr start that takes the longest to finish. Don’t worry about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.


Your biggest opportunity is where you are right now. Once you begin you’re half done.



随着全球经济一体化的发展,我国的 教育 和 文化 等方面也在不断地向前发展。英语作为全球通用的语言,是不同的人们之间沟通的桥梁。下面是我带来的英语短篇美文朗诵,欢迎阅读!


Who’s who

It has nr been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire-brigade to put out a non-existent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would r indulge in, Students often create amusing situations which are funny to ryone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediay ephoned the pol and rmed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had g up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a polman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a polman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the pol and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of aance rmation.

The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear rything that went on. Sure enough, a polman arrived on the scene and poliy asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the polman ephoned for . Shortly afterwards, four more polmen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen. As the men refused to stop working, the pol attempted to seize the pneumatic drill. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. He threatened to call the pol. At this, the pol pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a ephone call before being taken

to the station. Permission was granted and a polman accompanied him to a call-box. Only when he saw that the man was actually ephoning the pol did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax.


最近有个学生看见两个工人在学校门外用风钻干活,马上打电话 报告 警察,说有两个学生装扮成工人,正在用风钻破坏路面。挂上电话后,他又马上来到工人那儿,告诉他们若有个警察来让他们走开,不要把他当回事,还对工人说,有个学生常装扮成警察无聊地同别人开玩笑。警察与工人都对那个学生事先通报情况表示感谢。



Daniel Mendoza

Boxing matches were very popular in England two dred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for Prize money. Because of this, they were known as 'prize-fighters'. Howr, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or n killed during a match.

One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queenerry drew up the first set Of rules. Though he was technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prize-fighting into a sport, for he brought science to the . In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing-match when he was only four years old. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. A match was held at Stilton where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and n Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as &100 for a single appearance. Despite this, he was so extragant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836.

两百年前, 拳击 比赛在英国非常盛行。当时,拳击手们不戴手套,为争夺奖金而搏斗。因此,他们被称作“职业拳击手”。不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,因为当时没有任何比赛规则,职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受重伤,甚至丧命。

拳击史上最引人注目的人物之一是丹尼尔.门多萨,他生于1764年。1860年昆斯伯里侯爵次为拳击比赛制定了规则,拳击比赛这才用上了手套。虽然门多萨严格来讲不过是个职业拳击手,但在把这种粗野的拳击变成一种 体育运动 方面,他作出了重大贡献。是他把科学引进了这项运动。门多萨在的全盛时期深受大家欢迎,无论是富人还是穷人都对他祟拜备至。



By heart

Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and nr he cause to falter. Yet this is not always the case.

A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to

the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. Even though the noble was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it should be written out in full. One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had mad to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and raled the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he ge him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of . The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow-actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me.' And he promptly handed the sheet of to the gaoler. Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied: 'The light is indeed dim, sire. I must get my glasses.' With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner.







谱写生命的乐章Write Your Own Life

Supe someone ge you a pen —a sealed, solid-colored pen.


You couldn’t see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few words or last just long enough to create a piece (or sral) that would last forr. You don’t know before you begin.


Under the rules of the , yoeally nr know. You he to take a chance!


Actually, no rule of the states2 you must do anything. Instead of picking up and using the pen, you could lee it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up, unused.


But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it? How would you play the ?


Would you plan and plan before yo wrote a word? Would your plans be so many that you nr n started writing?


Or would you take the pen in hand, plunge right in and just do it?


Would you write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend or beli (or pretend to beli) that the pen will write forr?


And of what would you write: Of love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing? Everything?


Would you stay in or on the lines, or see no lines at all, n if they were there?


There’s a lot to think about here, isn’t there?


Now, supe someone ge you a life...



你的机遇Your Best Possibilities

Stop trying to prove how bad things are to the world. Start showing the world how great things can be.


From the same place where you slid backwards, you can begin to move ahead. Wher you are in a good place or a bad place depends entirely on where you choose to go next. Where your passion and attention are consistently focused is where your life will go. Focus on the itive sibilities that excite you the most.


Don’t let your excuses continue to hold you back. Allow your effective and pureful actions to move you forward. You don’t he to se the whole world in a single bound. Small steps, taken again and again, will accomplish far more than any grandiose scheme.


Now is the moment in which you are living, and now is the moment to give your very best to life. Yes, you can do it, so choose right now to find real joy in exploring your opportunities.



诺贝尔奖致辞(节选)Nobel Prize Speech ((Excerpt )

I decline to accept the end of man.


It is easy enough to say that man is immortal because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom1 has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying ning, that n then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible vo, still talking. I refuse to accept this.

如下的话 说说 并不难:人类是不朽的,因为人类可以延续。当丧钟鸣响时,钟声从落日红霞的平静海面上不起眼的一块礁石后消失时,另一种声音即人类的声音却不绝如缕,仍细语绵绵。我本人不赞同这种说法。

I beli that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible vo, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrif and endurance. The poet’s, the writer’s, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrif which he been the glory of his past. The poet’s vo need not merely be the record of man; it can be one of the props4, the pillars to him endure and prevail.




英语经典美文摘抄 The Thing I Value Most


It has been somtimes since Jack has seen the old man.College,girls ,career,and life itself got in the way.In fact,Jack moved clear crossed the country and persuit his dreams .There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future and nothing could stop him.

杰克已经有段时间没有见过老人了。大学,女孩,事业和生活占据了所以时间。事实上,杰克搬离了乡村去追逐 他的梦想。在匆忙的生活中,杰克几乎没时间回忆过去,也经常没时间陪妻子和儿子。他正在为他的将来努力奋斗,没有什么可以阻挡他的脚步。

Over the phone his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday."


Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel.


"Jack, did you hear me?"


"Oh sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It's been so long since I thought of him." Jack said.


"Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing. He'd reminisce about the many days you spent with him," Mom told him. “


"He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important… Mom, I'll be there for the funeral," Jack said. “


Jack kept his word and attended Mr. Belser's funeral.


The night before he returned home Jack and his Mom went to see Mr. Belser's old house one more time.


Standing in the doorway Jack paused for a moment. It was like crossing over into another dimension, a leap through space and time. Every step held memories. Every picture, ry piece of furniture...Jack stopped suddenly.


"What's wrong, Jack?" his Mom asked.


"The box is gone," he said.


"What box?" Mom asked.


"There was a all gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must he asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd r l me was, 'The thing I value most.' Now I'll nr know what was so valuable to him," Jack said.


It had been about two weeks since Mr. Belser died. One day Jack discovered a parcel list in his mailbox.


Early the next day Jack retrid the package. The handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention. Mr. Harold Belser," it read.


Jack tore it open. There inside was the gold box and an envelope. Jack's hands shook as he read the note inside.


"Upon my death please forward this box to Jack Bennett. It's the thing I value most in my life." His heart raced as tears filled his eyes. Jack carefully unlocked the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch.


He opened the cover. Inside he found these words engred: "Jack, Thanks for your time! — Harold Belser."


"The thing he valued most...was...my time."


Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his off and cleared his appointments for the next two days…he needed some time to spend with his wife and son.


英语经典美文鉴赏 You 超凡卓越的你

Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has nr been and will nr be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion…


You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!


You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be n more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.


Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.Paint a Masterpiece.


God gives ry bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherr you want to go, whatr you want to do, it's truly up to you.


英语经典美文赏析 Reflections on Life


You are the only one in a sea of infinity!


Your dearest session is life, and it is given to you but once.


Life gives ry one his opportunities, but it doesn't send them into his hands.


Wherr you want to go, whatr you want to do, it's truly up to you.


You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today!




英语经典美文诵读材料篇一 人生如诗

I think that,from a biological standpoint,human life almost reads like a poem.It has its own rhythm and beat,its internal cycles of growth and decay.It begins with innocent childhood,followed by awkward adolescence trying awkwardly to adapt itself to mature society,with its young passions and follies, its ideals and ambitions;then it reaches a manhood of intenseactivities, profiting from experience and learning more about society and human nature; at middle age, there is a slight easing of tension,a mellowing of character like the ripening of fruit or the mellowing of good wine,and the gradual acquiring of a more tolerant, more cynical and at the same time a kindlier view of life;then in the sunset of our life, the endocrine glands decrease their activity,and if we he a true philosophy of old age and he ordered our life pattern according to it,it is for us the age of peace and security and leisure and contentment;finally, life flickers out and one goes into eternal sleep, nr to wake up again.One should be able to sense the beauty of thisrhythm of life, to appreciate, as we do in grand symphonies, its main theme,its strains of conflict and the final resolution.

The movements of these cycles are very much the same in a normal life, but the music must be provided by the individual himself.In some souls, the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody.Sometimes the discordant note gains so much power that the music can no longer go on, and the individual shoots himself with a pistol or jumps into a river.But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over shadowed through the lack of a good self education. Otherwise the normal human life runs to its normal end in a kind of dignified movement and procession.

No one can say that a life with childhood, manhood and old age is not a beautiful arrangement; the day hasits morning, noon and sunset, and the year has its seasons, and it is good that it is so. There is no goodor bad in life, except what is good according to its own season.And if we take this biological view of life and try to live according to the seasons, no one but a conceited fool or an imsible idealist can denythat human life can be lived like a poem.



没有人能够说,由童年、成年和老年组成的人生不是一种完美的安排; 就像一天有早晨、中午和晚上,一年有四季,如此存在就是美好的。人生并没有好坏之分,只要符合我们所处的阶段, 生活就都是人生的大好时光。而如果我们采纳这种看待人生的生物学观点,并且,尽量依照不同的阶段来生活,那么,除了狂妄自大的蠢人或不可理喻的理想主义者之外,没有人能够否认:人生可以活得像一首诗。

英语经典美文诵读材料篇二 施爱者和被爱者

First of all, love is a joint experience between two persons but the fact that it is a joint experience does not mean that it is a similar experience of the two people involved. There are the lover and the beloved, but these two come from different countries. Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored uplove which has lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto. And somehow ry lover knows this. He feels in his soul that his love is a solitary thing. He comes to know a new, strange loneliness and it is this knowledge which makes him suffer. So there is only one thing for the lover to do. He must house hislove within himself as best he can; he must create for himself a whole new inward world - a world intense and strange, complete in himself. Let it be added here that this lover about whom we speak need not necessarily be a young man sing for a wedding ring this lover can be a man, woman, child, or indeed any human creature on this earth.

Now, the beloved can also be of any description. The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love. A man may be a doddering great grandfather and still love only a strange girl he saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past. The preacher may love a fallen woman. The beloved may be treacus,greasy headed, and given to evil habits. Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else - but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit. A most mediocre person can be the object of a lovewhich is wild, extragant, and beautiful as the poison lilies in the swamp. A good man may be the stimulus for a love both violent and debased, or a jabbering madman may bring about in the soul of someone a tender and idyll. Therefore, the value and quality of any love is determined solely by the lover himself.

It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved. Almost ryone wants to be the lover. And the curt truth is that, in a deep secret way, the state of being beloved is intolerable to many. The beloved fears and hates the lover, and with the best of reasons. For the lover is forr trying to strip bare his beloved. The lover cres any sible relation with the beloved, n if this experience can cause him only pain.

爱,首先是两个人之间共同的一种经历。但是,这并不意味着相关的两个人的经历是相似的。其中,一方是施爱者,另一方则是被爱者。他们两个来自不同的世界。通常,被爱者只是一个因素,激发起施爱者长期隐藏在心底的爱。而每一位施爱者都明白这一点。在灵魂深处,他感到他的爱是孤独的。他会逐渐地认识到一种新奇而又陌生的孤寂。而且,正是这一认识使他忍受痛苦。因此,施爱者只有惟——种选择。他 必须尽可能地把爱珍藏在心底。他必须自己创造一个全新的内心世界--个深切、陌生而却完整的世界。需要补充说明的是,我们谈论的施爱者未必是一个为买结婚戒指而储蓄的年轻 人——他可能是男人、女人或者是孩子,甚或是世界上任何一个人。


正是基于这一原因,我们当中的大多数人宁愿去爱而不是被人所爱。几乎每个人都想成为爱的给予者。而事实上,对许多人来说,处于被爱的情形在内心深处是难以承受的。被爱者总是害怕进而憎恨施爱者,而这种心理的产生有其充分的理由。 因为,施爱者总是在试图不断地使被爱者尊严无存。他总是企盼能够与被爱者建立任何可能的某种关系,即使这一经历结果只能给他招致痛苦。

英语经典美文诵读材料篇三 汽车

My friend said cars are a pain. What he meant was that his car was a lot of trouble. I supehe must he bought a “lemon”, that is, a car full of problems and not worth its keep.

Not rybody feels the same way about cars. To some, cars are just machines onwheels.These people t for the best value. They look for vehicles that are affordable butreliable,gas efficient, comfortable enough, reasonably safe and not too expensive to repair.Incontrast, you he also seen owners who lovingly polished their machines, dressing them infancy seat covers,and attaching cute little doodads to the windows.

To some, cars are not machines. They are the emotional extensions of their owners.Thinkabout the adrenalin high when one looks at a BMW. The status, speed and wealth identifiedwith the BMW are certainly tempting. Think Jaguar, and we picture the sleek, erous, fastand powerful black cat with rippling muscles leaping after its prey. What about the latest hotwheels - the mini-vans and jeeps? They spell outdoors, young, sporty, carefree, cool. Or cuittle Smart cars - trendy, city, efficient, modern.

There is also a special class of car owners - the sentimental.To them, modern day vehicles areartistic disasters - tasess and boring. For them, the only real cars are vintage those reallyold-fashion vehiclesyou see in movies about the days of our great grandparents. These caray be antique but not ugly. They are polished to a dazzling shine, with spotless chrome andbright clean tires.

As for me, I shudder at the cost of a new vehicle. So for now, just get me a sturdy used carthat can bring me from here to there without breaking down. Besides, I do not he to fretabout someone running an initiation scratch on the new paint job.



对有些人而言,汽车不是机器,而是车主情感上的延伸。想想看到一辆宝马车时的兴奋之感,它所带来的对地位、速度和财富的认同的确颇具。想到美洲虎,就可能想到一只皮毛光滑、危险、快速和肌肉强健有力的黑猫在抓捕猎物。而最近炙手可热的车子——小型车辆和吉普车——又代表什么?它们代表 户外、年轻、运动气质、自由自在、独具一格。另外,小巧可爱的Smart,代表时髦、都市、效率和现代。此外,还有另一族群的车主,就是怀旧感伤的车主。他们把 现代的汽车视为艺术的单调又乏味。对他们而言,古典精致的车辆才真正称得上汽车一就是那些我们可以从祖父辈时代的影片上看到的古董老爷车。这些车虽然古老但并不丑陋,它们已被擦得明亮眩目,并且具有无瑕的铬片和干净亮丽的轮胎。




经典英语美文篇1 眼睛会说话

Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

Do you he such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.

The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other’s stare with you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opite . If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to ert his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is ading her.

Howr, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, As for the listener, he will,to a certain extent,look continously at the speaker to l him that he is attentive.

If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel disconcerted. A poor liar usually exes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he belis in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary.

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.









经典英语美文篇2 论说谎

Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying, otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught, once caught, you can nr again be, in the eyes of the pure and the good, what you were before.Many a young person has injured himself permenently throuth a single clumsy and ill-finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Some authorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. That, of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary. Still, while I can't go quite so far as that, I do maintain, and I beli I am right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until pract and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, precision which alone make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, d, painstaking attention to detail - these are the requirments. These, in time ,will make the student perfect. Upon these, and upon these only, mayhe rely as the sure foundation for future eminence.

Think what tedious years of study, thought, pract, and experience ,went to the equipment of the peerless old who was able to ime upon the whole world with the lofty and sounding maxim that "Truth is mighty and will prevail."- The most majestic compound feature of fact which any of woman born has yet achid.

For the history of our race and ry individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. There is in Bostain a monument of the man who discover the anesthesia. Many people are aware, in these later days, that he didn't discover it at all, but stole the discovery from another man. Is the truth mighty, and will it prevail? No, My hearers, the monument is made of hard materials, but the lie it ls will outlast a millon years. An awkward, feeble, leaky lie is a thing which you ought to make it your unceasing study to oid. Why, you might as well l the truth at once and be done with it.




经典英语美文篇3 爱的礼物

If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not he love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I he prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I he all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not he love, I am nothing. If I give away all my sessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not he love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejo in wrongdoing, but rejos in the truth. It bears all things, belis all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love nr ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I thought like a child; when I became and , I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in ror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, n as I he been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.




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