衣服用英语怎么读 衣服用英语怎么读啊

2025-03-24 20:49 - 立有生活网


衣服用英语怎么读 衣服用英语怎么读啊衣服用英语怎么读 衣服用英语怎么读啊

衣服用英语怎么读 衣服用英语怎么读啊

1、1.衣服的英语有:clothing; clothes; dress; habiliment; graith; harness; [英方] brat; [美俚] threads; toilette; array; (婴儿的衣服) clout:2.短语:put clothes on;穿衣服问题二:衣服的尺码有几种?用英文字母怎么表示? XXL、XL、L、S。

2、take clothes off;脱衣服a suit of clothes;一套衣服mend [patch up] clothes;补衣服cast [discard] clothes;丢弃衣服make clothes;做衣服3.例句Clothes considered as a group; wearing apparel.:Your clothes fit well.你的衣服很合身。

3、He denuded her o短语f clothing. 他剥光了她的衣服。

4、They contributed food and clothing for the refugees. 他们向难民捐助了食物和衣服。

5、Do you think I can jam all these clothes in this suitcase?你觉得我能把所有这些衣服塞进这个手提箱吗?It was made in the size of the clothes. 这是照那件衣服的原尺寸而缝制的。

6、Wash the white clothes toger, and the blue one separay. 那些白衣服放在一起洗, 这件蓝的要单洗。

7、I wonder at your allowing her to buy the expensive clothes. 我对你答应她买这么贵的衣服感到吃惊。

8、The child threw his clothes about in the bedroom. 这孩子把衣服扔的卧室里到处都是。


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