威尼斯商人英语剧本 威尼斯商人英语话剧视频
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Andy: What should we do? (Nervous)一、四大悲剧:
威尼斯商人英语剧本 威尼斯商人英语话剧视频
威尼斯商人英语剧本 威尼斯商人英语话剧视频
《李尔王》KinAndy: But we don’t he a cho!g Lear
四大喜剧 :
《仲夏夜之梦》 A Midsummer Night's Dream
《皆大欢喜》As you like it
《第十二夜》Twelfth Night
《威尼斯商人》The merchant of Ven
威廉·莎士比亚(英语:William Shakespeare,)(1564~1616)英国伟大的戏剧、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期的文学巨匠。出生于距离伦敦不远的斯特拉福镇一个富裕市民家庭,父亲除务农外经营手套生意,担任过当地的议员和。莎士比亚自幼即对戏剧表现出明显的兴趣,在学习时很注意古罗诗歌和戏剧。后来家庭破产,他辍学谋生。1585年前后,他去了伦敦,先是在剧院里打杂和在剧院外看管马匹,后来从事剧本创作受到注意,成为剧院编剧,还获得了一部分剧院的股份。逐渐地,他接触到文艺复兴的先进文化、思想,写出了很多伟大的作品。他的创作使他获得了丰厚的收入和世袭绅士的身份。1608年左右,他回到家乡定居,1616年四月逝世。诗人的一生作品甚多,共有37部戏剧,1卷十四行诗集,2首叙事长诗。这其中包括的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《威尼斯商人》、《无事生非》(又名《都是男人惹的祸)、《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》等。
Andy: What happened?威尼斯商人》是一部喜剧。它是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,大约作于1596~1597年。剧本的主题是歌颂仁爱、友谊和爱情,同时也反映了早期商业资产阶级与者之间的矛盾,表现了作者对资产阶级中金钱、法律和宗教等问题的人文主义思想。这部剧作的一个重要文学成就,就是塑造了夏洛克这一惟利是图、冷酷无情的者的典型形象。
Pol offr《威尼斯商人》的主要情节取材于古老传说。剧情是通过三条线索展开的:一条是鲍西娅选亲,巴萨尼奥选中铅匣子与鲍西亚结成眷属;一条是夏洛克的女儿杰西卡与安东尼奥的友人罗伦佐的恋爱和私奔;还有一条是主线,即威尼斯商人安东尼奥为了帮助巴萨尼奥成婚,向者犹太人夏洛克借款三千元而引起的“割一磅肉”的契约。夏洛克因为安东尼奥借钱给人不要利息,影响行业,又侮辱过自己,所以仇恨安东尼奥,乘签订借款契约之机设下圈套,伺机报复。课文的情节就是从这里开始的。
The merchant of Ven "is a famous comedy. It is an important work of Shakespeare's early, about it was done in 1596 ~ 1597. The script is the theme of the praise of love, friendship and love, and at the same time, it also reflects the capitali early commercial asset class and the contradiction between the usurer, show the bourgeois society money, law and religion problems such as humani thought. This play is an important literature achiment, is shaping the Shylock the mercenary, ruthless usurer typical image. The merchant of Ven "main plot based on ancient legend. The drama is through the three clues expansion: one is p choose close, bassanio selected lead cabinets and Portia's form, One is Shylock's daughter Jessica and Antonio's friend LuoLunZuo love and elopement; And is a main line, namely the merchant of Ven Antonio to bassanio couple, to the usurer jews Shylock loan three thousand yuan and cause "cut a pound of flesh" contract diss. Shylock because Antonio lend money to people don't interest, influence usury industry, and insult yourself, so hatred Antonio, take a loan contract of the machine set trap, paranoia. The plot of the text starts there. The dramatic conflicts, is around Antonio and Shylock between wher "as about executive punishment" contract diss and expanded. Antonio and Shylock are two oping the character image, they treat money and human attitude compley opite. Antonio is Shakespeare ideal businesan, is the so-called "merchant prince", generosity very kind, creditors not interest, treasure friendship, at the sacrif of life. And Shylock is miserly, mercenary, damage will be dehumanization retaliation. To his greed of money to and cruel rnge, Shakespeare obviously negative attitude. From the starting ition of humani, Shakespeare think like Antonio that businesen can eliminate the contradiction of the bourgeoisie, to establish between the natural relationship between damage by money, to realize the good life. And Shylock that usury capital businesan, high interest flay, Roman holiday, it is the root of social contradictions, and a better life destroyer. But on the other hand, Shakespeare to Shylock as jews by the discrimination and powers and he compassion. The 19th century British famous critics, this column's once pointed out: "(s) rnge desire and humiliation almost feel difficult to separate, so we can't to" hidden in the jews bubu under the spirit of "proud sympathy, Shylock because this spirit has been subjected to undeserved anger and become crazy state, so try to take desperay, legal retaliation, in order to wash the accumulation in his and his jewish national body abuse and persecution caused by evil reputation, until he used to realize pure has taken means very cruel, but attitude very stubborn, we he lost sympathy for him take exception." The script through the sharp dramatic conflicts reflects the capitali early commercial asset class and the contradiction between the usurer. At that time the emerging business asset class to overseas trade is an important mament means, they think the commercial trade is a respectable profession. And usury from feudal society come down old profitable way, is emerging business bourgeois contempt. The commercial asset class due to business needs and without lending, but again and usurer has economic interests conflict, Antonio and Shylock conflict, it is the reflection of the social contradictions. Antonio and Shylock contradiction, is fundamentally the economic interests of the conflict. But it also miscellaneous he national and religious contradiction. In this way, Shylock is a discrimination national representative. The itive figures for the promotion of "Christian spirit", the jews said to "pagan", which reflects the Christian and jewish contradictions, as well as to the jews nic and religious prejud, and from the mouth of Shylock, but can hear oped to the prejud of the truth. Humani and national, religious prejud is contradictory. But, humanist with their own ideal to the doctrine of the middle ages, explain to Christian charity, forgiveness to the ideological content, make it become the feudali thought weapon. The characters of Christian praise, can from this Angle to understand. Reference data: in this scene, p is usually focus on the portrayal of a character. Her talent is special, shrewd spell able, aocate just, loyal to love, friendship
Sue: Choose one weapon you are good at.在法庭上,鲍西娅聪明地答应夏洛克可以剥取安东尼奥的任何一磅肉,只是,如果流下一滴血的话(合约上只写了一磅肉,却没有答应给夏洛克任何一滴血),就用他的性命及财产来补赎。因此,安东尼奥获救,并且,庭上宣布以谋害威尼斯市民的罪名,没收其财产的二分之一,另外二分之一则给安东尼奥,而后者却把这笔意外的财产让给了夏洛克的女婿、自己的朋友——罗伦佐。夏洛克见阴谋失败,也只好答应了,并遵依判决,改信。就这样,鲍西娅巧妙地挽救了安东尼奥的生命。同时,鲍西娅及尼丽莎戏弄了他们的丈夫。她们要求用戒指作为替安东尼奥辩护的报酬,然后回到了家中。等她们的丈夫回来时,她们责备他们忽视了结婚戒指的意义,并咬定了一定是他们把它们送给了别的女人。一连发窘的解释后,终于真相大白。每个人都有一个满意的结局,除了那个想害人反害己的夏洛克。
《威尼斯商人》 是英国戏剧家莎士比亚创作的戏剧,是一部具有讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于1596~1597年。
威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)是英国文艺复兴时期戏剧家和诗人。莎士比亚于1564年4月23日出生在英国中部斯特拉福德城一个富裕的市民家庭,幼年在家乡的文法学校念过书,学习拉丁文、文学和修辞学。后来家道中落,曾帮助父亲经商,1578年左右只身到伦敦谋生,据说从事过马夫或仆役一类当时被看作“最下等的职业”。后来当了演员和编剧,随着剧团到各地巡回演出,与各阶层的生活有比较广泛的接触。他在剧团里扮演过像《哈姆莱特》中的魂之类的配角,也担任过导演,但主要是编写剧本,开始时不过是给旧剧本加工,逐渐由加工而改写,或自己创作.他后来成了剧团的股东,1613年左右从伦敦回到家乡,1616年4月23日逝世。
Did: The pol offr is coming!同时借者“夏洛克”强索一磅肉。
Did: That is not a all fortune. How will I come up with the money in a short time?这句话出自莎士比亚的喜剧作品《威尼斯商人》,剧本的主题是歌颂仁爱、友谊和爱情,同时也反映了早期商业资产阶级与者之间的矛盾。
请问有人有威尼斯商人txt版本的百度云吗?需要中英对照版的。 【注意:要全书!不是只要第四幕!不是
Did, Andy, and Sue: Oh, my God!链接:
(Andy comes in.)提取码: p49w 这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,作更方便哦
Three young people wanted to se their mother who was very sick. Their mother needed an operation, and it would cost a lot of money. Because they had no money, they decided to rob a bank. Howr, their plan was defective. Their mother was sad.
Scene I: In the hospital
(In a room, the doctor talks to Did.)
Did: (Nervous) Is my mother OK?
Doctor: (Serious) Your mother is very sick.
Did: How to cure her?
Doctor: Your mother needs an operation, and it will cost a lot of money to cure her.
Did: (Grabs the doctor) How much will it cost?
Doctor: It should be at least one million dollars. (Then the doctor goes out.)
Andy: Where is Mom? Is she OK? (Looks around)
Did: The doctor said that it should cost a big fortune.
Andy: But we don't he enough money to pay for it. What should we do?
Did: Let's go home and discuss it.
(On the road, Did sees a woman withdraw money from an ATM.)
Did: (Excited) Look! It is money.
Andy: But that is a bank.
Did: We should earn a lot of money in a short time. This way is quick.
Andy: This way is illegal.
Andy: Umm... Let’s go home and discuss with sister. Look! There is one dred dollars on the floor! (Picks it up)
Did: (Hits his head) One dred dollars? We need one billion, not one dred!
Andy: It is mine. (Croaking vo)
Scene II: Did and Andy get home
Sue: Is Mom OK?
Did: The doctor said we need a lot of money to se mother.
Sue: But we do not he much money. Look at our home. It is so poor. (Effervescing vo)
Did: Do not be sad! Let’s discuss an idea.
Sue: What idea do you he?
Andy: We decide to rob a bank.
Sue: What? Rob a bank? Your brother-in-law has gone to prison sral times for robbing banks. I don’t agree! (Angry)
Did: If we don’t he enough money, our mother will die.
Sue: OK...this is the only thing we can do.
Did and Andy: Let’s go!
Sue: No, we need to make a plan first.
Did: Ask our brother-in-law. He always robs banks.
Sue: OK. I will l him tomorrow.
(Sue takes a lot of weapons back.)
(Brothers choose the weapons.)
Sue: Remember to wear your mask.
Scene III: In the bank
Sue: Hello, I want to withdraw a billion dollars from my sings account.
Clerk: (To check her drawing account.) Sorry, you don’t he enough money in your sings account.
Sue: (Taking out a gun) Just do it!
Clerk: Help! Help!
Did and Andy: Hurry up!
Andy: Only underwear, no money.
Did: Are you stupid! We just need money! (The pol offr arrives at the bank)
Pol offr: Don't movDid: But we only he one mother, and she is n to us.e! Put down your weapons. (The pol offr holds up the gun to them.)
(Did, Andy, and Sue want to escape away.)
Sue: I cover you! Go! Hurry! (Pol shoots Sue and Sue gets hurt.)
Sue: Oh!
Did: Are you OK?
Sue: My leg is hurt! I can’t walk now.
Pol offr: Don't move, and give up! You are all under arrested.
Scene IV: In the pol off
Pol offr: Why did you try to rob the bank? Do you know it is illegal to rob the bank?
Did: Because our Mom is sick, we need money to se her.
Andy: We don't he enough money, so we decided to rob the bank.
Sue: We know it is wrong to rob the bank, but we didn’t he any cho.
Pol offr: I understand why you need the money but robbing a bank is against the law.
(Mom enters in the pol off.)
Did, Andy, and Sue: Mom, we were wrong!
Mom: I know yoobbed the bank for me, but it's wrong! It will affect your future.
Pol offr: We should be good to our parents, but we can't do soming against the law.
(All the three young people repent their follies.)
对于3或4人要演一个简短英语话剧 你可以演的剧目很多。比如,莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》法庭上对智的 温馨提示:强烈演个的音乐剧 剧院魅影 Music Drama ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ 听。。。柯里斯汀在歌唱。。。
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