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2、英文演讲比赛主持词(一)(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:Good ning ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Qingdao Huanghai College 20xxEnglish Speaking Competition.My name is Wang Ruixue,beside me is Wu Xuan you might recognize.She is co-host of big movements of our school.Y:尊敬的各位,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到青岛黄海职业学院20xx英语演讲比赛决赛现场。

3、X:Well this Competition is organized by Qingdao Huanghai College and sponsored by -------- This Competition is undertaken by Foreign Language Department. In today's Grand Final,there 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants he given very impressive performances,So,we know that today will be a very rigorous competition.Y:本次大赛由xxx职业学院主办,外语系承办由----赞助。

4、X:Firstly,let's introuduce today's honorable leader and judges and guests. I he the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...Y:光临今天大赛现场的和嘉宾是:X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位的到来!Y:Welcome. 今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟系部的参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。


6、X:Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.Now Please welcome professor----------to give us a speech.Y:下面有请--讲话。

7、X:Thank you ,professor------now let me introduce the regulations of this final.The Final consist of four parts, namely showing myself,prepared speech, impromptu speech, and questions and answers.Y:本次大赛由四部分组成:自我展示、指定主题演讲(脱稿)、即兴演讲、现场问答四部分。

8、X: In the first section each of the contestants will he 1-2 minutes to show themselves,they can show off their skills in singing,dancing or n Kongfu.Please show off rything that makes you shine above the rest.This section the full score is 5.Y:部分:自我展示,时间1-2分钟(选手可从自我介绍、才艺展示、生活理念等一方面或多方面展示自我)这部分满分5分。

9、X: In the second section each of the contestants will he 3-4 minutes to deliver a prepared speech. The topic for the prepared speech is “20xx” .This section the full score is 10.Y:第二部分;指定主题演讲,主题“情系20xx”要求脱稿,时间3-4分钟;总分10分X:Each contestant will draw the topic of an impromptu speech 15 minutes before their performances. In the third section each of the finalists will he 2 minutes to deliver an impromptu speech. This section the full score is 5.Y:第三部分:即兴演讲,采用谚语、格言以及其它形式为题,请老师出十几个题目,赛前保密,提前15分钟左右让选手抽题,即兴演讲时间为2分钟,要求紧扣题目;这部分总分5分。

10、X: And after that, two question s in the judging panel will be responsible for raising questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech or the impromptu speech (one question asks only one question). That will be around two minutes.This section the full score is 5.Y:第四部分:现场回答,针对第二或第三部分评委老师进行提问(1-2个问题)。





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