
2025-03-22 02:51 - 立有生活网






3、我精心收集了关于自然的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于自然的英文诗歌篇1 Mother Nature(自然之母)Nature, the gentlest mother, 自然,最温和的母亲,Impatient of no child, 没有孩子似的急躁,The feeblest or the waywardest, -- 即使对最微弱的和最任性的,Her admonition mild 她的训诫也是温和的。

4、In forest and the hill 在森林里,在小山中,By treler is heard, 旅行者都可以听到,Restraining rampant squirrel 在遏制猖獗的松鼠,Or too impetuous bird. 或太鲁莽的鸟的时候,How fair her conversation, 她的言语是多么公正,A summer afternoon, -- 一个夏天午后,----Her household, her assembly; 在她的家庭中, 在她的聚会上;Her vo among the aisles 过道中她的声音,Incites the timid prayer 激励了最微小的蟋蟀、Of the minutest cricket, 最微不足道的花的,When all the children sleep 当所有的孩子睡觉的时候,She turns as long away 她只要转身离开,As will suff to light her lamps; 就会点亮足够的灯;Then, bending from the sky 然后从空中弯下身子,With infinite affection 满含着无限的爱,And infinite care, 无限的关怀,Her golden finger on her lip, 把金色的手指放在唇上,Wills silence rywhere. 嘱咐各处安静。

5、关于自然的英文诗歌篇2 The Peace of Wild ThingsWhen despair grows in m蝉cicadaeand I wake in the middle of the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great n feeds.I come into the peace of wild thingswho do not tax their lives with foroughtof grief. I come into the presence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind starswaiting for their light. For a timeI rest in the grace of the world, and am free.大自然的安宁当我内心变得绝望我在寂静的午夜醒来,担忧我和我孩子们的生活,我走出家门,在林中躺下美丽的野鸭在湖中安憩,巨大的鹭鸶在觅食。




9、关于自然的英文诗歌篇3 大自然Mother Nature大自然有一群自己的孩子大自然的孩子会编写自己的故事Mother把大自然的孩子 Nature hasHer own kidsWho comeTheir own stories.风弄散了雨水的头发雨水在妈妈怀里看守着土豆在泥土里长大The hair of RainWho in turn watches PotatoesGrowing bigger in the earth.每一棵树木都会就着阳光洗澡昆虫们也会在不同的地方找到可口的食物All trees batheIn the sunshine;Insects enjoy foodsIn different sites.如果我们画在一张纸上便会现出它们奇妙的Portray all kidsOf Mother NatureOn a sheet of ,Then we’ll seeTheir ilesSo wonderful.。



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