价格用英语怎么说 一半价格用英语怎么说
2025-03-15 16:15 - 立有生活网
价格用英语怎么说 一半价格用英语怎么说
价格用英语怎么说 一半价格用英语怎么说
1、创造新技术和使用它,分别需要花多少钱?多少钱用英语怎么写那么都知道吗?下面我为大家带来多少钱的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!多少钱的英语拼写how much多少钱的相关英语例句Well, because I he so little money, being rich to me,嗯,因为我没多少钱,富有对我而言,and I don't he very much money left.我身上没多少钱了。
2、租房子一个月多少钱?I just want to know the bottom line; how much do I he to pay for the whole company?投资收益率反映了基于一年来看,你实际赚了多少钱,非常简单What really matters to you as an investor is how much you he to pay today to get $100 in sixty days.对于一个投资者来说,重要的是,现在你需要支付多少钱,才能在60天prlimit 价格限制后获得100美元This calculation wasn't done very frequently; that's just if you had one of the satisfactions of knowing how much money you were .这个运算并不经常用,除非你非得知道,自己会赚多少钱So what the guy would do is he would say okay you've got--if it was local money if it was from this town if it was New Hen money there were New Hen banks the guy would immediay know what it's worth.所以,那个人将会做的是说,好的,你的钱-如果它是当地货,如果来自这个城镇,如果是纽黑文的纸,当时有纽黑文银行,那么这个人将立刻知道它值多少钱。
3、For example, if you ask people how much they would be willing to bet on a coin toss, they will typically bet more if they can toss the coin or they will bet more if the coin hasn't been tossed yet.比如说,如果你问人们,他们愿意出多少钱去掷硬,如果他们可以掷硬,或在硬还没被掷出前,他们会下更大的注For example, how much would you he to be paid to he one upper front tooth pulled out?比如,给你多少钱,你才愿意拔掉自己的一颗门牙?If I buy this amount of two-period bonds, how much does it cost me?如果我买这么多两年期债券,我要花多少钱呢耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选Or how much would you he to be paid to he one little toe cut off?那你感觉是多少钱,一百万?If your dealer quotes you a discount rate of 2.51%, you know how to convert that into the pr and that's all that matters--all that really matters is the pr you he to pay.如果经销商告诉你折扣率是2.51%,你要知道如何转换成价格,真正和你有关系的,是你需要付多少钱在数百年前你们能做的,在今天还是能够做到的就是,到银行出示这份合约或欠条,问,你们根据它能给我多少钱I don't want to he to consider how much it costs or what multiple of number of tickets I want to get.我不关心着需要花多少钱,或者我需要多少张票。
4、多少钱的英文例句Boards of directors he long agonized over how much to borrow and different companies seem to he different cultures.and how much money they're going to pay to do soming like go to law school.也没想清楚选择法学院到底要花多少钱。
5、I he some old records and I'll see what I'm paying for my gold for the gold fillings ten years ago.我有一些旧的记录,我可以去看看十年前,我到底补金牙时为了金子花了多少钱。
6、How much does it cost both to create the technology and to use it?6% It is over 16% and on the pure and basis what do we spend?超过了%,那么具体来说,我们到底花了多少钱?Somebody else figured out, how much does he get paid on an hoy basis?还有人算出了,他一个小时能挣多少钱?Then they waited and saw how much they can made.然后他们等待看看自己能挣多少钱。
7、So you can he good quality and less quality. It depends on your pocket.Like how old I am, where I'm from and how much money I make.就像我的年龄,我从哪里来,我挣多少钱。
8、what good that's going to be, no matter how much money you make.什么好处也没有,挣多少钱都没用。
9、And I suggest a scale that people might use in order to decide how much is enough.我也建议了一种捐款标准表,来帮助人们决定捐多少钱比较合适。
10、No, instead we he to click other amount at bottom right there, when we he to input 4-0-0 in this screen 4-0-0 after consulting visually the little cheat sheet on the dev itself it ls you in a very long chart how much one pass costs so we multiply and type in 4-0-0, we hit enter.不,然而我们必须点击,右下边的这个,当我们需要在这个屏幕上,输入0,通过咨询那个设备上明,它在一个很长的图表上,告诉你,每一站需要多少钱,我们加起来,输入了4-0-0,点击输入。
11、Because for "Yoga to the People", you can pay what you want.因为在“大众瑜伽”工作室,你随便付多少钱都可以。
12、1. He cannot ral how much money is involved in the scheme.他不能透露该投入了多少钱。
15、”3. Think what a waste of taxpayers' money the whole exercise was.想想那整件事会浪费纳税人多少钱呀。
16、4. "I'm afraid to ask what it cost." — "Then don't ask."“我不敢问这个东西花了多少钱。
18、”5. How much money are we talking about?总共是多少钱?6. How much money can I afford?我能出得起多少钱?7. Emma is on a tight budget for clothes.埃玛预算很紧,没有多少钱买衣裳。
19、8. They didn't cost anything and they lasted forr.它们花不了多少钱,却非常耐用。
20、9. I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs.10. What's the pr of the hardback?精装本多少钱?我没带多少钱。
21、12. How much money do we need to do the job properly?我们英式音标:需要多少钱才能做好这件事?13. Can you tot up how much I owe you?你能算一下我总共欠你多少钱 吗 ?14. How much do you supe these old books would fetch?你看这些旧书能卖多少钱?15. We don't he much money but we scrape along somehow.虽然我们没多少钱,但是还可以过得下去.看过多少钱的英语的相关知识人还看了:1.多少钱用英语怎么说2.价格用英语怎么说3.报价单用英语怎么说4.多少英语怎么说呢。

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