mydreamjob医生 mydreamjob医生作文

2024-12-13 16:39 - 立有生活网


1、Each people all he own dream, some people want to be a scientist, and some people want to be a teacher, some people want to be a soldier. My dream is to be a excellent doctor.Because the doctor is a great occupation, doctors can patients cure,when we are ill,such as colds,headaches,stomachaches and so on,can see a doctor.The doctor also can se the patient's life. So my dream is to be a doctor.Now,I will look at some of the medical aspects of the book,to prepare for the future.【摘要】My dream job(医生)英语作文【提问】My dream job is to be a doctor.I'm going to study hard and I'm going to a famous medical university in Beijing.I'm going to find a part-time job and se some money..Then I'm going to be a good teacher and take good care of the patients。




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