我们和地球英语怎么说 我们和地球成语蚂蚁庄园

2025-03-04 16:52 - 立有生活网


那么你知道地球的英文怎么念吗?一起来学习一下吧!地球的英文读法earth 英 ?theta 美 ?rtheta词组习语bring 或 come back down to earth 1 使幻想或兴奋之后回到现实回到现实 the earth。

world:n世界, ...界, 世事, 世故, 的,adj.世界的

我们和地球英语怎么说 我们和地球成语蚂蚁庄园我们和地球英语怎么说 我们和地球成语蚂蚁庄园

我们和地球英语怎么说 我们和地球成语蚂蚁庄园

the earth

earThe rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.th是说地球,相对物是火星,月亮




vt. 把(电线)接地; 盖(土); 追赶入洞穴;


问题七:地球的英语怎么读(美式发音 饿儿思(一个“思”的发音为用舌头夹在上下牙齿中间气流摩擦的声音)

英文:We only he one earth,so you should protect it.I am the only one on the earth,so you should love me ,too.(媛子:提问者,个你爱护的是地球,但是第二个你爱护的是人。人是不可以爱护的。只能是爱。所以不应该有“也要爱护”。纠正了一个小小问题,嘻嘻嘻。望采纳~~~谢谢撒~~)

" the earth; the globe ,因为是特定名词,所以要加“the”,一般就是这两种说法我们只有一个地球,所以你要爱护地球。地球上只有一个我,所以你也要爱护我。"

" We only he one earth, so you he to protect it; there is only one me on this earth, so you also he to take good care of me."



地球是我家,绿化靠大2其它相关解释:. planet家


地球 英语怎么说


We he only one Earth! Do not let the earth cry! Earth is my home, green by all! Green is the true nature of the earth!看你用在哪里

earth指地球 物理意义上的




英文翻译: 我们只有一个地球! 不要让地球流泪! 地球是我家,绿化靠大家! 绿色是地球的本色!

Many types of animals he now vanished from the earth.


We he only one earth!


Donearth't make it sob!


Green is the inherent color of earth!

We he only one earth! Don't let the earth tears! The earth is my home。 Afforestation relys on ryone! Green is the earth's natural colour

We he only one Earth. Don't make the Earth cry. The earth is our home. Make our Earth green is our duty. The natural color of the earth is greean.

We he only one earth! Don't let the earth tears! The earth is my home, greening on ryone! Green is the earth's original!

We he only one earth.

Nr let it weep.

The earth is my home but it green depends on all of us.

The green is the true color of the earth.


[例句]The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today.


用英语表达:.n. 地球; 泥土; 陆地; 兽穴;

If we take this exercise, we will gain a healthy body and a green and beautiful earth.

注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时Two thirds of the Earth is covered by sea.点击采纳。


地球:earth。 n,地球;世界;土;泥;泥土;土壤;接地;獾穴;地面;陆地。globe n,地球;世界;球状物;球8. 地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。体;地球仪;灯泡;天球仪;球形的玻璃杯;金球。

we only he one Earth

Copernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun.

we he only one Earth.


we he only one Earth.

we share only one earth!

we only he one Earth

only one Earth




The earth is o home. As the owner we should protect our earth well. As middle school students what should we do? First I think we should saglob water and electricity. I also think s ing pa per is necessary. All the used textbooks should be recycled. Thus fewer trees will be cut down. Then if we can se more food people will plant more trees on their farms. Last don’t throw litter rywhere. It will pollute our environment. If ryone can tr y his best to protect our earth thEarth is my home,green by you all!e life we are living will be better and better.


3、地球表面的三分之二为海洋所覆盖you he to protect me because there is only one me on the earth ,just as the only earth which you he to protect.。


the earth; the globe


如果是学术文章中宜用the earth,不用大写。如果是一般引用,globe更常用。而且,globe还有地球仪的意思

the earth; the globe

The earth


the gl星球,行星性质的地球obe

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