105算牌器 算牌器手机端怎么实现
2025-03-16 10:19 - 立有生活网
The mood is like riding on top of a jetIt doesn't matter if my liver explodoes from staying up all night talking to you
105算牌器 算牌器手机端怎么实现
105算牌器 算牌器手机端怎么实现
It doesn't matter if my feet become flat from strolling down the street with you so long
A huge You are sunshine but nrtheless can Shine into midnightthanks that you let me rebirth into a total
I'm once more acquainted with love!
Love-ing! happy-ing!
Love-ing! chang-ing!
From down to dusk,hing you mYou're the hydroelectricity that can power boats and cook the porridge to sustain lifeakes my heartbeat
You are air but breathing you transcends just
You're just the vitamin for LOVE
Love-ing! happy-ing!
Love-ing! chang-ing!
From down to dusk,hing you makes my heartbeat
The approaching years,months,and days,the hour, minutes and seconds,there are some special people that n after forr,they make the present unforgettable.
hei l-o-v-e l-o-v-e l-o-v-e l-o-v-e
Love-ing! happy-ing!
Love-ing! chang-ing!
From down to dusk,hing you makes my heartbeat
Down to dusk,it is all Love-ing
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