爱你一生一世英文 爱你一生一世英文怎么写?

2025-03-23 07:00 - 立有生活网



I will love you forr

爱你一生一世英文 爱你一生一世英文怎么写?爱你一生一世英文 爱你一生一世英文怎么写?

爱你一生一世英文 爱你一生一世英文怎么写?

问题八:爱你一生英文怎么写 楼主你好 翻译如下 Love your life 希望我的对你有帮助 谢谢采纳 你的满意是对我们的鼓励

I love you forr

I will20、king薄凉少年 queen暖心菇凉 love you forr!

I Zhiai your lifetime


My heart will go forr


一辈子的 cradle-to-gre ; A lifetime of I'll love you till I die.; Lifetime



我一直爱你 用英文怎么拼写?

英文情侣网名有Love me don't lie to me和Lie to me don't blame me、Flower and youth和Songs such as the girl、Always in his heart和Settle in her heart。


Baby, I will always love you, love you a person in this life

I always love you.


Whatr you change / turn into, I'll like you , love you and nr forget you.

= Howr / No matter how you change, I'll like you , love you and nr forget you



I always love you!

I love you,still.

i love you always.

I always love you

I always love you!

I love you all the望有用,O(∩_∩)O~ time


Whatr you turn into ,I love you that will nr change。

问题一:一辈子英文怎么写 all one's life

I'm always loving you.



all one's life

【all_one's_life】_英语al... ... all one's life 一辈子 ; 一生 ; 终身的 ; 终生 all through one's life 所有通过一个人的生活 all one's life 一生 ; 终身 ...

... Three removes are as bad as a fire 三次搬家犹如一次失火 three score years and ten 一辈子 three 三 ...


一代(古礼规定,男子三十岁结婚生孩子,产生新一代) [generation] 一生;一辈子 [lifetime;life] 人世,世间;世界 [world] ...


一辈子孤单 Lonesome问题四:一辈子在一起英语怎么写? 一辈子在一起: for a Lifetime

问题二:一生英语怎么写 a lifetime

问题三:一辈子用英语怎么说 一辈子

A lifetime toger

all one's life

问题六:传奇一生英语怎么翻译 Legendary life

in all one's life

问题十:一辈子用英文怎么写? all life


问题七:“一生一世”的英语单词怎样写? 一生一世

I do love you very much~(这是标准的说法)


I adore you so much~

I fancy you so much~(这两个都=I LOVE Y用英语表达是: I love you, Luo Yanshuang, you are all to me, you are the only one in my life, I will always love you and live up to you.OU SO MUCH)

You are the one~!(你是我的~!)

I'm crazy about you!(我为你而疯狂!)

I can't love you more!(我无法更爱你了!=我对你的爱达到了顶点)

- -

如果就一句,i love u so much.随便怎么着。都成。



段:引出主题 i love u.

第二段:i love u 的好处。坏处如何的少。



ok,牛X7、暮冬-gentle 初晴-moment情书的提纲不多就这样。

I do love you so much, so much

truely i love you wholehearted.

I really love you very much.

I do love you deeply

强调型:I love you very much.

才子型:No one is more important than you.


标准型:I really love you.


Baby,i will always love you.You are the only one i love of my life.


Baby, I love you forr, in this life only love you.

爱你一生一世 Li love you with my heart and soul,you are the one.我对你一心一意,你就是我的另一半。ove your life

你是我的一切 You are rything to me


Love you only care about one person.


Baby, I will love you and only you forr and r. 我将永远爱你,并且只爱你一人。

Baby, I love you forr, in this life only love you

爱你一生一世 Love your life

你是我的一切 You are rything to me

Sweet heart ,I love you forr.You are my life ,you are my sunshine.you are rything to me .Only the beautiful flowers could match your beauty,and only time could witness our love.I love all heart and soul.


问题九:一辈子的英文是什么? for life 一辈子 For a lifetime, entire life! 一辈子,一生一世!

i love you all my life

英语一般会说: i will love you forr (用一个将来时)也可以说 i will love you for my life :)


I'II LOVEyou as long as相爱一辈子 a lifetime love ; Love for life ; Love life ; AI WEN Ilive爱你一辈子

I LOone's whole lifeVE YOU FOREVER

I love you all my life.

i love you forr



问题五:一生一世英语怎么写 whole life;

Love you be consistent from beginning to end,

15、mentha mentha

Love you be consistent from beginning to end

you are always my onl1、sunsety love


three score years and ten

1、Love me don't lie to me和Lie to me don't blame me

肉麻型:I really love you as my sweet heart.


= No matter what you change / turn into, I'll be fond of you, he a love for you and always remember you.

2、Flower and youth和Songs such as the girl


3、Always in his heart和Settle in her heart

亲爱的,我期望陪我从齐肩短发到腰间长发的人是你,我期望陪我从青涩到沉静的人是你,我期望六十年后一醒来发现枕边人是你,是你,别的都不重要了,你就站在我的身旁。 我拍着球显得轻狂。 风吹散云撒下春光。 球划出弧飞如篮筐。 多想你,也扑进我的胸膛。


2、flower ees

3、te amo ti amo

4、beli你爱我 because我爱你

5、higirl heyboy

6、sunny刺眼 rainy伤情

8、与红酒 nervou 烟蒂与口红 direct

9、知足 content 识趣 content

10、perfume染烟 perfume引味

11、潮爷 emotion 潮娘 emotion

12、forre ternal

13、温瞳sadness 刺心treasus

14、失魂人 pugss 控魂者 monee

16、余存dstiny 温存dstiny-

17、emperor 染指夕颜 emperor浮华夕颜

18、forr remember

19、your sun your moon


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