投诉信怎么写 投诉信怎么写英语模板
2025-03-05 00:27 - 立有生活网
Dear ______,
投诉信怎么写 投诉信怎么写英语模板
投诉信怎么写 投诉信怎么写英语模板
The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍)。 In the first place, ______(抱怨的个方面)。 In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面)。 Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。
I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to he this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情期限)。 Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply。
Yours sincerely,
投诉信结构公式Li M正文:ing
I am ______(自我介绍)。 I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I he to make a plaint about。xxx经常无故缺岗,给单位以及其他同事造成重大不良影响,忘明察解决。
不过,你这样一,大家都能猜个八九不离十是谁的,匿名与不匿名都一样,你想啊,谁会他经常缺岗呢?就是剩下的你们俩。建议直接找当面说清或者We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as sible. Meanwhile,we he put the damaged r sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for pensation.划分好各自的职责,比如没人值班一天。
1. 存在简单单词拼写错误。如:lose过去式应为lost;rmation是不可数名词,复数的形式不加s。投诉信写法如下:
I am writing to expressair dissatisfactiondisappointmentconcern regarding acmodation。I would prefer to move into a single room next semester,as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient。
To solve this problemsurmount this difficultyimprove this situationcrack this hard nut,I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned。I am sure you will aGREe that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own。
为了解决这个问题克服这个困难改善这种情景这个难题,我期望引起有关当局的注I hope you will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as you can.意。我相信你会同意,我的解决办法是搬到一个我自我的房间里。
Therefore,I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me,preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as sible。
2、重点要I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate‘s inconsiderate behior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties.突出,篇幅不宜长。投诉的内容要突出重点,尽量简明扼要,是在一至两页纸的篇幅内,把最想说的话说出来,让人一目了然。
3、尽可能提供证据,让人觉得你在理。投诉时提供足够的证据,让人觉得你投诉的内容真实可靠可信,更容易促进I am writing to rm you that I am dissatisfied with ...解决问题。
现在市面上的保险公司五花八门,保险业务员的素质也各有高低,因此很多投保人在没有仔细阅读条款的前提下,就被“”买了保I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate‘s inconsiderate behior。For one thing,his friends are constantly visiting him; for another,he regularly holds noisy parties。险。如果想要投诉,投诉信应该怎么写呢?我们英文投诉信范文2还有哪些投诉途径呢?下面一起来看看吧!
I hope you can give me a satisfying reply and deal with this matter reasonably.在生活越来越讲究质量和服务的今天,人们走到那里,都希望体会到贴心到位的服务。一旦他们的权益受到损害,人们一定会提出反对或者投诉的。那么,您有没有意识到,写一封措辞到位,清楚明了的投诉信,能够更好更及时地让您的意见得到处理呢?今天我们就来学习一下吧。 I. 投诉信的目的一般来说,投诉信针对以下几个方面:· 针对公共设施或公共服务· 针对自己购买的商品· 针对自己在消费场所得到的服务· 其他各类由他人或机构带来的对自己生活上的不便 II.写投诉信的要点· 确定你的投诉信要寄给能够直接解决问题的人或部门。· 书写格式应以正规文体为主,以给人正式的印象。· 文章段常用的表达法有“落清楚,一个问题一段。· 尽可能详细提供相关细节。· 尽管您可能满腔怒火,请尽量措辞冷静,不要使用污辱性语言或进行人身攻击。· 寄出的投诉信留下副本以备日后查询。 III. 例信Dawn StreetWatson A.C.T12/6/99The Mar,Spring Department StoreStacy St,N.Y Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to complain about the quality of the sweater (code: NE36574) I bought yesterday from you.In my opinion, the sweater is not worth the $30 I paid for it. I hen’t n worn it and it already has some stains on it, soming like spots of ink. The stains couldn’t he been made by me, since the labels are still on the sweater. I he kept all the receipts. It’s a brown sweater for men, made by Company. I would like a refund, or he my new sweater cleaned. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully,John Smith 现在请自己练习一下吧!我们本期的写作练习准备了丰富的题材等您去练哦!
I r看过的人还:eceived such poor serv that I felt I should bring it to your attention.投诉信的格式和范文如下:
投诉信 英语 作文 常考的一个类型,下面就是我给大家带来的英语投诉信怎么写,希望大家喜欢!
注意:1. 词数为100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:路由器router server 掉线lose connection to 稳定的stable
应用文的实际用途决定了其语言要简洁明了。主要有三个原则,即proper(恰当)、 precise()和polite(礼貌)。具体要求体现为:需开门见山, 文章 一开始就要表明意图;行文逻辑清晰、目标明确;语气要恰如其分,注意语言的正式和礼貌,遵循交际原则。
高考书面表达多以日常生活场景为基础。在扩充细节的时候,同学们要结合平时的生活积累,在符合常识的基础上,充分发挥 想象力 。
投诉信作为英语文体的一种,目的是解决问题,比如消费利益受损、正常生活和工作受到干扰等。内容可包括:说明投诉的原因并表达遗憾;实事求是地阐述问题发生的经过;指出问题引起的后果;提出批评及处理意见,要求对方采取 措施 。此外,语气注意要冷静、郑重、克制,不必过于礼貌。但也要就事论事,不能人身攻击。
I am writing to you to complain about ...
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern about ...
I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I he to make a complaint about ...
I wish to draw your attention to the problem/fault ...
I regret to rm that ...
I will appreciate it very much if you could ...
I look forward to your dealing with these problems without delay.
We hope that you will consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prnt the recurrence of this kind.
I must he you fully understand that without a satisfying solution, I will reserve my right to take legal action.
The reason for my dissatisfaction lies/consists in ...
Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to ...
For one thing ..., for another ...
Therefore, I hope to change for another ... or declare a refund.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about the router which I bought last week from the internet.
I found some problems during I use it. First, I can’t find the servers when I looking through the news. Second, it was often losed connection to the servers if I was finding some rmations from the internet. It caused big problems to my work and daily life. The most serious doubt is the WIFI doesn’t stable. Sometimes it lose connection to the server in a second. After a while, it come to be fine.
Because of the problems, I require to full require or change a new one. If you can change a new one, it will be the most wonderful way to solve these problems.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours si范文:ncerely,
1. 作者运用了衔接词,观点清晰,层次分明。
2. 活学活用了一But great changes he taken place since a chemical works was built near our school two years ago. It produces poisonous gases and pours a large amount of waste water into the river. The terrible pollution has done great harm to us students and teachers as well as to the surroundings. It's time for us to take steps to protect our surroundings and prnt them from being polluted. Yours r,些 短语 ,如because of, after a while, look forward to, look through。
2. 时态、语态混乱。在第2段描述产品问题时,应统一用过去时态。如第2段第2句应改为I couldn’t connect the server when I was looking through the news. it was often losed connection to应改为it often lost connection to。
3. 中式英语过多,还有一些表达错误:第2段中的... during I use it应改为when I used it;it come to be fine应改为it turned out to be fine;第三段的I require to full refund应改为I require a full refund.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you to complain about the poor quality of the router I bought from your store last week.
Hing used it for sral days, I found the router seemed to he been out of order and problems he arisen one after another. While I was searching for some rmation on the internet, it lost connection to server frequently, which annoyed me greatly. What made matters worse was that the signal of wireless network was not stable, which made it difficult for my iphone or ipad to connect to the net via WIFI, putting me to great inconvenience.
Therefore, I would be grateful if you could replace it with a new one as soon as sible. If not properly settled, a full refund would be acceptable as well. Thank you for taking it into consideration, and I’m looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
1. 要点齐全,细节补充合理。第2段实事求是地阐述产品问题,逻辑清晰,有条有理。第3段提出解决建议,语气郑重礼貌,不卑不亢。
2. 亮点词汇短语表达运用得当。如:seem to he done, out of order, arise, search for, put . to great inconvenience, take sth. into consideration.
3. 长短句并存,句式灵活多样,文章节奏感强,语用能力突出。如:
Hing used it for sral days, I found the router seemed to he been out of order and problems he arisen one after another. (现在分词完成式作状语)
What made matters worse was that the signal of wireless network was not stable, which made it difficult for my iphone or ipad to connect to the net via WIFI, putting me to great inconvenience. (主语从句+非限定定语从句+现在分词作结果状语)
If not properly settled, a full refund would be acceptable. (条件状语从句的省略)
投诉不能变成谩骂或指责,而应该有理有据地说明问题所在。因此写投诉信时我们要注意以下三点: 1. 尽量使用委婉语。 2. 先表达理解之情,再指出问题。 3. 针对遇到的问题要求合理解决。 It just broke down a few days ago. I’m afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I’d like a full refund. I would appreciate it if you ... as soon as sible. I’d like to talk to the mar. [实战演练]设你叫李华,你所乘坐的航班晚点8个小时而且没有人给你们安排饮食,到达目的地后,航空公司居然还遗失了你的行李,请你给机场负责人写一封投诉信。 注意: 1. 词数:100左右; 2. 合理发挥想象,以使行文连贯。 [参考范文]Dear Sir or Madam, I am sorry to bother you but I’m feeling annoyed now. My fligNo. 1 Middle Schoolht was delayed for 8 hours and nobody provided us with meals. What’s more, when I reached my destination, I was told that my luggage was lost. I understand it’s not your fault personally, but the airline promised they would deliver my luggage. It should he arrived here safely. And I think that it is the airline’s duty to deliver my luggage to the place I trel to. Would you please check your rmation and get my luggage back to me as soon I sincerely hope such things will nr take place again.as sible? Yours faithfully, 通过学习这篇写作指导,你是否掌握了投诉信的写作方法和一些常用的句式结构?试着根据要求自己写一封投诉信,然后与范文对照,找出其中的不足并加以改进。
一、 投诉信即在日常生活中或商务活动中对所遇到的困扰,恶劣的服务态度,劣质的产品等向对方或有关单位提出投诉, 和改进的建议。
二、 投诉信包括以下三个部分:
1. 开头:自我介绍,说明投诉物件及内容,表明本信的目的和要求。 常用的表达法有Li Hua:
I am writing to you about…which I received/bought…
I am going to plain about…
I am sorry to he to return with this letter…which I received/bought…
2. 正文:说明情况,讲清厉害,分析利弊。告诉对方你因此受到的伤害或不便,提出解决问题的建议,表明希望如何处理。
When we checked…, we notd…
When I took …out of the bag and examined …closely, I found… When I unpacked …and tried to use it, it did not work.
In view of the inconvenience that it has caused, I feel you should…
If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I will plain it to the Consumer Association.
3. 结尾:表达希望问题得到快速恰当解决的强烈愿望,希望尽快得到满意的答复。
4. 常用的表达法有:
Please let me know what you intent to do in this matter.
I am returning … under separated t and look forward to receiving a full refund of …
Hope you will improve…
Dear Sir or Madam:
With reference to our order No. W98,the 120 r sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday,but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.
The packages containing the r sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. We unpacked the r sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.
Yours sincerely,
Li Yang
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding acmodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.
To solve this problem/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will aGREe that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as sible.
Yours sincerely,
Li Yang
School Polluted
March 5, 1997
Dear Editor,
Our school lies at the foot of a mountain with a all river passing by. It used to look like a beautiful garden. There used to be green trees and all kinds of flowers in our school yard all year round.
Wang Hong
投诉信letters of plaint通常是写给厂家、商店、消费者协会、报界或厂家、商店的上级主管部门,揭发产品质量的低劣、服务态度的糟糕,抱怨不应出现的情况或问题等,以求得解决的信件。写投诉信要实事求是地把问题讲清楚,态度要冷静,做到有礼貌,不能恶言伤人。
这封信的作者用的是对比法,先写学校的地理位置和原先学校的优美环境,后写化工厂建起后对学校造成的污染,提请报界呼吁保护环境的问题。写得有理有据,令人信服。 英文投诉信怎么写
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