
2025-03-18 10:23 - 立有生活网

翻译短句 方便的话请随时给我来电话 用英语怎么说?

请随意 用英语怎么说

You can call me if you are convenient.



A: What time is it, honey?

You can call me at your convenience.(这句是在字典中找到的)


问题一:随着人数的增长 英语怎么说 With tIf there is need to modify place, please feel free to l mehe number of people growing


问题二:怎么用英文说 随着经济的发展 标准:

with the dlopment of economy.....

问题三:随Do as you please.着人口的增加。用英语怎么翻译? 随着人口的增加。

With the increase of population.

问题五:她随时随听用英语这怎么说 she speak Eingsh angtime.



立刻的英文immediayat onceright awayat short notin a hurry一immediay 英 #618#712midi#601tli 美 #618#712midi#618tlia立即,马上直接地紧接地 conj一。

立刻,马上的英语短语是right nowright now 美 ra#618t na#650就是现在,马上 短语 Has to answer right now 马上给出 详细翻译 立刻给出 From right now 从现在开始 从现在起 Right here。

立刻马上的英文短语可用right now,at once或是in a moment表达重点词汇解释1now a 现在如今立刻 adj 现在的 n 现在目前 conj 由于既然 2once a 一次曾经 conj 一旦 n 一次,一回 3。

立刻的英语短语单词有immediay立即at once马上right away马上in the turn of a hand转手 turnv使转动,旋转转身扭转身体部位翻转翻动把翻过来 n转动旋辆的转弯,转向道路的弯道,转弯处。

at once right away 都是立刻,马上的意思。

立刻,马上 right away 饭后立刻给我打电话 called me right after dinner大声呵斥狗立刻走开 yelled at the dog to get大声呵斥狗立刻走开 Yelled at the dog to get我们立刻给你治疗We#39ll he you cure in no。


1 immediay a 立刻马上 2 at once a 立刻马上 3 right away a 立刻马上 4 at short not a 一通知到就,在短时间内,立刻 5 directly a 立刻马上 i#39ll be there directly我马上就到6 forthwi。


“马上”的英文是Right off其中right的意思是立刻,马上,向casual右,右边,恰当地,一直船舶等复正,恢复平稳。

immediayat onceright awayinstantlyin the turn turning of a hand,这些都是立刻,马上的意思。

1立刻马上的英文短语immediayat onceright awayat short notin a hurry2immediay,例句She answered almost immediay3at once,例句I he to go, I really must, at once4right。



You are always welcome to my hoIf you he any questions,you can always ask himuse

Welcome to my home anytime.

Welcome to my home at any time!

随时向你报告 用英语怎么说


To report to you at any time

吃饭时请随意:Please Help yourself.

report back to you at any moment

report back--回...报告,汇报


1 immediay a 立刻 马上 2 at once a 立刻 马上 3 right away a 立刻 马上 4 at short not a 一通知到就, 在短时间内, 立刻 5 directly a 立刻 马上 I#39ll be there directly我马上就。

1 Beter later than nr.


2 All well and ends well.


3 Better to do well than to say well.


4 East or west,home is the best.


I love to exercise.When I exercise I fee许多人告诉我记单词很难.l fresh and energetic.


Many people l me that is very hard to remember new words.

They complain that no matter how hard they try to rememorize new words they always forget them.They best way to remember new words is to pract them ry day,pract them in sentences and in paragraphs.Listen to tapes and read along ry day,otherwise you will forget easily.If you need my ,please call me.We're friends.Friends each other.Let conquor new words toger.

如果你有任何问题,可以随时去问他 用英语怎么说

If you he any questions,you can ask him anytime .望采纳

you can ask him if you he any problem.


you can ask him if you want.


You can ask him all the time if you he any questions.


If you he any questions,you can go to ask him at any time.

if you he any questions, feel free to ask him./ feel free to come and see him.

if you he some questions,you can ask him at any time.

上面的feel free to ask him




1.feel free to call me anytime.

问题六:“随便”的英文怎么说? 但是random在英语当中是“胡乱的;随便的,任意的 ”的意思,当时外教明白他说的意思,但是还是建议他用其他的一些表达方式来表示“随便”。那“随便”的英文说法到底是啥呢?在不同的语境中有不同的翻译法:Whatr!I don't care!who cares!Let it be!以上几者都带有“不在乎”之意。As you like.Do as you please. It's up to you.It depends on you.意为让对方掌握决定权。voluntariness 是“任意”的意思,也有作“自愿”讲。casual 作“随便”讲的时候有漫不经心的意思,我们要说“他平时很随便(如不注意着装等)”就可以说成 “He is always casual about life”.另外,“随便”这个词在中文的非正式用法里可以用来描述在性方面过分随意的人,尤指女子。比如:“她很随便,经常和不同的男人过夜”就可以译成:“She is such an easy girl that she always he with different men.”其他表达方法:voluntariness名词,表任意get a bite to eat 随便吃点东西Help youself to ....请随便吃点。。。。either,作介词时表随便任一个cast a glance over随便看一看drop by 随便访问你可以回答:Anyone will do.这句话表哪一个都可以,也有随便之意

2. you can call me any time.

3. Please call me any time.

you can call me anytime


英 #618#712midi#601tli 美 #618#712midi#618tlia立即,马上直接地紧接地conj一就,即刻She answered almost immediay她几乎立刻就回答了2at once英 #230。



在路上遇到随意的一个人,路人甲,也是a random guy



What r!

I don't care!

who cares!

let it be!


As you like.

It depe激ds on you.意为让对方掌握决定权。

voluntariness 是“任意”的意思,也有作“自愿”


casual 作“随便”讲的时候有漫不经心的意思,我们要说“他平时很随便(如不注意着装等)”就可以说成

“he is always casual about life”.

另外,“随便”这个词在中文的非正式用法里可以用来描述在性方面过分随意的人,尤指女子。比如:“她很随便,经常和不同的男人过夜”就可以译成:“She is such an easy girl that she always he with different men.”

平时: Please feel free to。或者:Be our guest.


It is up to you. 就是 随便你,你想怎么做就怎么做 的意思,可以说,比 whatr 礼貌多了

Whenr it's convenience you can call me.其他的有

Just go ahead.

As yo礌 like.

He it your way.

make yourself at home.

take it easy.


随意的 英文怎么表达



What r!

I don't care!

who cares!

let it be!


As you like.

It depends on you.意为让对方掌握决定权。

voluntariness 是“任意”的意思,也有作“自愿”


casual 作“随便”讲的时候有漫不经心的意思,我们要说“他平时很随便(如不注意着装等)”就可以说成

“he is always casual about life”.

另外,“随便”这个词在中文的非正式用法里可以用来描述在性方面过分随意的人,尤指女子。比如:“她很随便,经常和不同的男人过夜”就可以译成:“She is such an easy girl that she always he with different men.”


问题四:随着我的成长 用英语怎么说 along with my mature

Be your servent ,My host!!

You can call me at any time.


I'm ready for you at anytime. .

, I am always at your serv

Ready to serve you, my lord.

I'm willing to serve for you any time,my .


please let me know if there is anything necessary to be revised


Please feel free to ask me,if anything need to be re-modified.

please let me know if there is anything need to be revised

If anycontact you at any time change is needed, please rm me at any time.

keep me iAt any minute now意指 ldquo马上rdquoldquo随时rdquo例Hurry up! He#39ll be back any minute now快点儿!他马上就回来了!3 On the double 美语里用on the double,英语课程里写作at the。nformed if revision is needed

if there is anything that need to be modified, please feel free to let me know.

if there is anything that need to be modified, please rm me .

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