一个女的唱的我的法克英文歌 一个女的唱的我的法克英文歌曲

2025-03-20 10:17 - 立有生活网


1、I m talking about love love loveAll my girls stand in a circle and clap your handsThis is for youUps and downs highs and lows No-matter-what you see me throughMy boyfriend he don t answer on the ephoneI don t n know where the hell he goesBut all my girls we re in a circle and nobody s gonna break (through)L o l o l o v (e e)L o l o l oOh did you hear me sayL o l o l o v (e e)L o l o l oOh did you hear me sayL o l o l o v(e e)L o l o l oI m talking aboutL O L O L O L O V EL o l o l o v (e e)(I m talking about love)say you ll be my girls international for lifeGirls for life "Neren"Oh hold off I need another oneI think you you do tooGrab my bag got my own moneyDon t need any man in this roomMy boyfriend he ll be calling me now anytimeI need all my girls to keep him off my mindSo hold up we need another oneWhat we got is all goodL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OOh did you hear me sayL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OOh did you hear me sayL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OI m talking aboutL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L O L O L OI m talking about loveLove is an energyLove is a mysteryLove is meant to be trueLove is a part of meLove is the heart of meLove is the best thing we doIm talking aboutL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OOh did you me sayL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OOh did you hear me sayL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OI m talking aboutL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L O L OI m talking about LOVEL O L O L O L O V EL O L O L OOh did you hear me sayL o l o (e e) l o v e。



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