2025-03-26 00:44 - 立有生活网
1、毕业设计指导 graduation-project guidance毕业设计的英语说法:14. Ninety percent of my class is already working on the final project.graduation project· Teddy Lo: LED 艺术家毕业设计作品 Graduation Design Works毕业设计论文质量 qualities of graduation design毕业设计模式 graduate design modes毕业设计的英语例句:1. This article introduced the customer mament realization mod.本文介绍了客户管理毕业设计的实现方法.2. Andworked at an insurance pany my graduation field work.我在家保险公司进行我毕业设计.3. This project is my graduation design. a sub - of my tutor's.此专案为本人的毕业设计. 是导师专案下的子专案.4. This graduation design is about project mament's new critical chain mod. "本毕业设计是对专案进度管理新技术关键链法的研究.6. The treling website construction is faces the realistic demand an utility .旅游网站建设是面向现实需求的一个实用毕业设计.7. The whole design procedure consists of the architectural and the structural design.此次毕业设计包括两部分:建筑设计,结构设计.9. During a metalworking and machine tool plant internships, courses and graduate design.10. This project belongs to reseachful new task, and is of a assignment.本毕业设计是一个属于研究型的新课题, 工程浩大.12. My graduation project is about the origin and regulation of stem cells.我的毕业设计是关于干细胞调节的起源的.13. After the graduation project and found a lot of accumulated sral more.毕业设计做完了,发现好多,积累了好更.我们班百分之九十的同学都已经开始做毕业设计了.15. This yzes the Web - based e - merce platform -- Automobile Sales Mament System.本文研究分析了基于的 电子商务 的平台 开发 汽车销售管理毕业设计.。
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