回答以“How Long”开头的提问

2025-01-18 03:48 - 立有生活网

在日常对话和写作中,我们经常会遇到以“How long”开头的提问,意为“持续了多久”或“使用了多长时间”。回答这类提问时,可以使用以下几种方式:

回答以“How Long”开头的提问回答以“How Long”开头的提问

回答以“How Long”开头的提问

1. 使用时间段

过去式: How long he you been studying English? - I he been studying English for three years. 现在进行时: How long are you staying in London? - I am staying in London for two weeks. 将来进行时: How long will you be working on this project? - I will be working on this project for the next six months.

2. 使用具体时间

以分钟为单位: How long did it take you to finish the assignment? - It took me 30 minutes to finish the assignment. 以小时为单位: How long was the meeting? - The meeting was two hours long. 以天、周、月或年为单位: How long he you been living in this apartment? - I he been living in this apartment for five years.

3. 使用其他时间表达方式

除了使用具体时间,还可以使用其他时间表达方式来回答“How long”提问,例如:

自...以来: How long he you known Jack? - I he known Jack since we were in college. 直到...: How long did you work at the company? - I worked at the company until last year. 一共...: How long did the trip take you? - The trip took me a total of three days. 大约...: How long do you expect to be in the hospital? - I expect to be in the hospital for about a week.

4. 使用“not...yet”或“still”


How long he you been working on the project? - I he been working on it for a few months, but it's not finished yet. How long he you been living in this country? - I he lived here for ten years, and I still like it very much.


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