经典美文摘抄 张爱玲经典美文摘抄

2025-03-04 22:54 - 立有生活网


初中英语美文篇二 快乐之钥


经典美文摘抄 张爱玲经典美文摘抄经典美文摘抄 张爱玲经典美文摘抄

经典美文摘抄 张爱玲经典美文摘抄






经典美文摘抄及赏析 (一)









守住一颗宁静的心,你便可以不断超越,不断自我挑战。即使远方是永远的地方,也会诞生一种东西——奇迹。 摘自《青年文摘》


经典美文摘抄及赏析 (二)

江 南



河的两岸,是窄而陡峭的;岸上有走马转阁的回廊,有伸向河面的茶楼,书场,酒肆;还有住家户,住家户后门的石梯坎,姐儿妹儿们蹲在石梯坎上,洗菜,濯足,淘米; 她们的印花巾,像一朵朵彩色的香草;







以《江南》为题,写起来有一定难度:偌大江南,可写景物风情太多,如何下笔,如何选取角度都是颇费斟酌的。此文恰到好处地选取了“江南水乡”这个独具特色的地域,以舒展而简洁的笔墨对水景、人物淡笔勾画,全文仅285字,所写的仅是江南的一角。但这一角Here are some tips for actually living that philosophy:是江南的缩影,是凸现了江南特色的典型化的江南。确有一叶而知秋之妙。

经典美文摘抄及赏析 (三)


荷兰,是水之国,花之国,也是牧场之国。一条条运河之间的绿色低地上,黑白花牛,白头黑牛,白腰蓝嘴黑牛,在低头吃草。有的牛背上盖着防潮的毛毡。牛群吃草反刍,有时站立不动,仿佛正在思考什么。牛犊的模样像贵夫人,仪态端庄。老牛好似牛群的家长,无比尊严。极目远眺,四周全是碧绿的丝绒般的草原和黑白两色的花牛。这就是真正的荷兰。 这是真正的荷兰:碧绿色的低地镶嵌在一条条运河之间,成群的骏马,骠悍强壮,腿粗如圆柱,鬃毛随风飞扬。除了深深的野草遮掩着的运河,没有什么能够阻挡它们飞驰到乌德勒支或兹伏勒,辽阔无垠的原野似乎归它们所有,它们是这个自由王国的主人和公爵。









The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically oiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in our relationships, or with our careers, is the difference between hing a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusia. pursue your goals and watch your Happiness soar.

高中英语美文摘抄篇一 Enjoy Life Now, AND Se for Later

Often we're told that we he to suffer now — give up what we want — in order to succeed later, that in order to se we must sacrif. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.

But you can do both.

For years, I was confused about this, as I read books and websites that sent me two different messages:

Pleasure later. The first message was that in order to be successful, in order to build wealth, you he to delay gratification. You can't he instant gratification and be successful.

Pleasure now. The second message was usually from other sources on Happiness, but sometimes from the same source: enjoy life now, while you can, because it's short and you nr know when your last day will come. Live ry day like it's your last. Trouble is, I agree with both messages. And if yoead this site often, you’ll see that I send both messages: Live frugally and simply! But also enjoy life!

That's because I've reconciled the two philosophies into one: Live life now and enjoy it to the fullest — without destroying your future. The key to doing that? Find ways to enjoy life compley, utterly, maximally … that don’t cost your future very much.

Find free or cheap pleasures. Frugality does not he to be boring or restrictive … if you use your imagination. Be creative and find ways to he fun — loads of it — without spending much money. He a picnic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board s, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies … I could list a dred things, and you could come up with a few dred more. Make a list of pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow's dollar. See Sor the Little Things .

Make simplifying fun. I'm a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a lifestyle in ry way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and sibly make money selling it) and he a blast doing it. That’s good math.

Rediscover what’s important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out … without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we nr he time for the things we really want to do. Well, that's probably because your life is filled with things that aren't very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what’s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what's important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .

Make people a priority. This is related to the above point, but I thought I'd give it a little more emphasis. If you give "stuff" a priority — stuff like gadgets, n furnishings, n clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. — then you will spend a lot of money. But if you make people a priority — the people you love most, you close friends and family — you don't need to spend a dime to enjoy life. Make some time to visit with friends, or your parents … and he a conversation with them that doesn't involve eating out or going to the movies. Just sit, he some d tea or hot cocoa (depending on the weather), and talk. Tell jokes and laugh your heads off. Talk about books you've read, movies you’ve watched, new things going on in your life, your hopes and dreams. And make time for your kids or your significant other — really spend time with them, doing things that don't cost money. (See Spend Time with Family and Loved Ones , 100 Ways to He Fun With Your Kids and 50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap .)

Find time for yourself. Make time ry day, and ry week, to spend time alone. It really gives more meaning and enjoyment to your life, rather than rushing through life with no time to think, to breathe. For ideas on how to make this time, see these ways to create time for solitude .

Sometimes, splurge. You shouldn't restrict yourself from expensive pleasures all the time — it's not good to dlop the feeling of deprivation. To prnt that, once in awhile, buy yourself soming … or better yet, give yourself a decadent treat. I love things with dark chocolate or berries. Crepes with cream and berries are one of my forites. Just don't go overboard … and learn to enjoy the splurge to the fullest. If you truly take the time to enjoy a treat, you don't need a lot of it.

Track your successes. It doesn't really matter how you track your success … you can use gold stars for creating a new simplifying or frugalfying habit, or a spreadsheet chart to track your decreasing debt and increasing sings or investments. Tracking is a great way to not only provide motivation, but make the process of changing fun.

Reward yourself. And in order to make it more fun, celebrate ry little success! Set rewards for yourself (hopefully not too expensive!) along your path to success — celebrate one day, two days, three days, a week, two weeks, three, a month … you get the idea.

Volunteer. One of the most rewarding things for my family has been when we he mad to volunteer. It's actually soming we only started doing last year, but since then, we've done it a bunch of times in a number of different ways. And while it doesn't cost a dime, it is tremendously satisfying in ways that money could nr buy. Read more .

Live in the moment. Learn to think not so much about the past or future, but about what you are going through right now. Be present. It may seem trite, but it's the key to enjoying life to the fullest — without hing to spend money. Think about it — you can spend money on eating out, but if you are not really thinking about what you're eating, you may not enjoy it much at all. But if you cook a but delicious meal, and really taste ry bite, it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot. Read more .

Slow down. In the same way, you can't really enjoy life to the fullest if it's rushing past you like it's on fast forward. Ever think about how quickly a week, a month, or a year goes by? Perhaps you're in the fast lane too much. Try slowing down, and things will be less stressful and more enjoyable. Drive slower , eat slower , live slower .

Learn to find cheap, cool stuff. Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores. You can find so many cool things there, and it costs so little. Garage sales are the same way. Or check out Freecycle , or read 20 Ways to Find Free or Cheap Books .

高中英语美文摘抄篇二 Happiness is a Cho

"Happiness, like unHappiness, is a proactive cho." - Stephen Covey

We want it. We strive for it. We envy others who he it. We can see it just beyond the horizon …as soon as we get richer, thinner, married, divorced, younger, older, find a dream job, or quit a lousy one.

Yet, how many people do you know who “he rything” and still yearn for true happiness? The kind of happiness I'm talking about is that kind that comes from within and is not based on status, ition, wealth, or sessions. It's a natural resource that is readily ailable to all. Happiness is a cho.

It had previously been thought that the brain is unchanged by life experiences. Recent breakthroughs in psychology, neurology, and chemistry he raled that Happiness is attainable, and the brain can actually change as a result of conscious selection of thoughts.

Experts in the field he given Happiness a nickname -- “subjective well-being.” One person's Hell may be Paradise for another. For example, bungee jumping would be sheer torture for me to endure. For a thrill-seeker friend of mine, this activity represents ultimate joy. Clearly our set points are based on different subjective criteria.

Each of us is born with a genetically coded happiness “set point” which is not based entirely on what happens to us. This explains why some people are naturally cheerful most of the time, while others walk around with a permanent scowl on their faces – determined in part by their genetic predisition. Howr, according to University of Minnesota professor emeritus of psychology Did Lykken, “Happiness is genetically influenced, although it is not genetically fixed. The brain's structure can be modified through pract. If yoeally want to be happier than your grandparents provided for in your genes, you he to learn the kinds of things you can do, day by day, to bounce your set point up and oid the things that bounce it down.”

A study conducted with identical twins raised in different environments suggests that an individual's set point determines about 50% of their disition to Happiness. In other words, some people are happy , regardless of their less-than-ideal circumstances, while others are unhappy , n when they seem to “he it all.”

According to Ed Diener, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois and coeditor of the Journal of Happiness Studies , a number of tools can be used to raise subjective well-being. Here are some examples:

Getting enough sleep

Getting enough exercise

Nurturing close relationships -- connection, physical touch

Maintaining an optimistic outlook – choosing itive thoughts

Keeping a gratitude journal

Forgiving others and letting go

Utilizing signature strengths (honesty, kindness, ingenuity, love of learning, etc.) in serv of soming larger than yourself

Acting happy by changing your physiology -- Put on a happy ile!


meditation is a very effective way to change subjective well-being. Richard Didson, professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin, found in his research that high lls of activity at the left frontal area of the cerebral cortex coincided with feelings of Happiness, joy, and alertness. Activity on the right frontal area corresponded to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and worry. Since meditation generates more left-brain activity, studies he concluded that it offers a way to produce more itive emotion.

Even in the midst of hardship, one can experience pleasures by using some of the tools listed above.

高中英语美文摘抄篇三 14 Timeless Ways to Live a Happy Life

How we achi Happiness can be different for each one of us. Our passions, expectations, life experiences, and n our personalities all contribute to the ll of happiness we experience in our lives. Some find Happiness in their careers while others prefer the bliss found in their marriages or other intimate relationship.

No matter how you define happiness for yourself, there are certain universal and time-proven strategies to bring, and sustain, more happiness into your life. The following 14 ways to live a happy life can be adapted and n customized to fit your needs. Over time, these strategies will become itive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more Happiness, joy and peace into your life.

1. Not What’s Right

Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. The next time you are caught in traffic, begin thinking how n it is to he a few moments to reflect on the day, focus on a problem you he been trying to solve, or brainstorm on your next big idea. The next time you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a tabloid magazine and do some “guilty pleasure” reading. Take all that life throws out you and reframe it with what’s right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will more content, at peace and happy. Take the time to begin to not what’s right and see the world change in front of your eyes.

2. Be Grateful

How many times do you say the words “thank you,” in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the “thank yous,” the latter will naturally happen. Learn to be grateful and you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and Happiness.

3. Remember the Kid You Were

Do yoemember how to play? I’m not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I’m talking about playing like you did when you were a child – a of tag; leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your Happiness is to remember the kid you were and play!

4. Be Kind

There is no question that by merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to be kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, Happiness and enthusia for our lives.

5. Spend Time with Your Friends

Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does he a huge impact on our Happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.

6. Sor Every Moment

To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next nt or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the “here and now.” When we sor ry moment, we are soring the Happiness in our lives.

7. Rest

There are times when we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just “to chill.” life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or not. The best remedy for this is indeed rest.

8. Move!

The expression a “runner’s high” does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind - a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more itive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your Happiness is to move!

9. Put on a Happy Face

Sometimes we he to fake it until we make it. I’m not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I’m suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that iling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and Happiness in our lives.

10. Pursue Your goals

11. Finding Your Calling

Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find pure in their work or relationships. Finding your calling may be much more than accomplishing one strategy for increasing your Happiness, but hing a sense of pure – of feeling like you are here for a reason – can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all

12. Get into the Flow

Flow is the form of joy, excent and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can loose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true Happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and get into the flow.

13. Play to Your Strengths

One way to achi flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these ry day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to play to your strengths we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.

14. Don’t Overdo It

Know when to say when. What gives you joy and Happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the “thing” becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and don’t overdo it.


秋日的私语 虽然冬季已经来到我们的身边,但是那份秋日的情怀却停留在我的心头无法抹去。 秋,是美丽的。秋高气爽,天高云淡,那悠悠的闲云,蔚蓝的天空,丰富的果实,构成了她那沉静、淡泊、成熟而又独特的秋之美。 秋,你没再在淡薄。从那一尘不染的长空,到那又有“闲逛”的白云都蕴含着秋天那的平淡与和谐。 秋,最动人的还是她那如画般的黄昏。夕阳西下,火红的阳光照红了一切,红的使人沉醉其中而无法自拔。暮色尽头了一切,沉浸其中,似幻,似梦,展现在你面前的仿佛就是一幅画,而在你心中的荡漾的却是一种成熟的美。 林荫小道,金黄的落叶铺出了一条金黄的地毯,踩在上面树叶在家吓沙沙作响,仿佛在演奏克莱德曼的经典之作《秋日的私语》。而此时,晚风又带着徐徐的凉意向我吹来,他抚摸着我的脸颊,格外的舒畅,但是此时的我已经置身于另外一个世界,一个亦真亦幻的充满秋意的世界,在那里空中飘满了落叶,而有一种声音却一直在我的耳边回响,那就是《秋日的私语》,那萧萧的秋意,宁静的日落,金黄的树林,都在此时,都在这里挥洒得淋漓尽致……






初中英语美文篇一 友谊

No young man starting life could he better capital than plenty of friends.


They will strengthen his credit support him in ry great effort, and make him what,unaided, he could nr be.


Friends of the right sort will him more to be happy and successful than much money or great learning.


Friendship is no one-sided affair.


There can be no friendship without reciprocity.


One cannot receive all and give nothing,or give all and receive nothing,and expect to experience the joy and fullness of true companionship.


Those who would make friends must cultivate the qualities which are aded and which attract.


If you are mean stingy and selfish,nobody will ade you.


You must cultivate generosity and large-heartednessBut perhaps the greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt.; you must be magnanimous and tolerant;


you must he itive qualities, for a negative, shrinking, apologizing,roundabout man is despised.


You must beli in yourself. If you do not, others will not beli in you.


You must look upward and be hopeful,cheery, and optimistic.


No one will be attracted to a gloomy pessimist.


To others,you don't he to be an efficient expert in the art; the main thing is theintention.


You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to , yourattempt produces nothing but good.


The one you are trying to knows your intention and is strengthened and encouraged bythe magic of your sharing.


In nearly ry case,your desire to ,converted into action,produces the goodsought.


Serv to others delivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them.


In doing good,you free yourself from the terrible burden of self; you escape from yourself intoa clean world of joy and light.


The good you simply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself.


Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness, for you he embraced Eternityinstead of Self;


you he felt Life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began theproject.


初中英语美文篇三 爱美

The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.


It is a moral quality.


The absences of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is aninvariable sign of goodness of heart.


In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which noblenessand beauty of character will be attained.


Natural beauty is an all一pervading presence.


The universe is its temple.


It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring.It wes in the branches of trees and the greenblades of grass.


It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea.


It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone.


And not only these minute objects but the oceans, the mountains, the clouds, the stars, therising and the setting sun一all overflow with beauty.


This beauty is so precious,and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings,


that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remainingalmost blind to it.


All persons should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature.


There is not a worm we tread upon, nor a leaf that dances merrily as it falls before the autumnwinds, but calls for our study and adation.


The power to appreciate beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness一it enlargesour moral nature, too.

Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares.


Go into the fields or the woods, spend a summer day by the sea or the mountains, and all yoittle perplexities and anxieties will vanish.


Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away.


The beauty of the world s us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.



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