stay歌词 stay歌词翻译
2025-03-04 23:28 - 立有生活网
stay歌词 stay歌词翻译
stay歌词 stay歌词翻译
1、Oh, for the next time we'll be here美国新进女歌手tonya mitchell :18岁,一个天真无邪的年纪,正是她追逐一些青春偶像的时候,诸如Debbie Gibson,Britney Spears,Tiffany等等流行艺人PG评分很不错的舞曲,柔美的情歌,舒缓的民谣都能情意打动她的心。
2、每只单曲都是为了 商业的TOP 40精心打造的。
3、经过巧妙的安排和编配,Mitchell在歌曲中有深情款款的演唱,“Blue-eyed“式的灵乐加入也让冰 冷的电子别有感觉,加上出色的器材运用,让她的专辑显得很。
4、单曲“Stay“是80年Chris Cross民谣的翻唱,是失真吉他,豪华编曲,忧伤背景的巧妙融合。
5、“A Little Too Late“和”I Cry Real Tears“是两首情歌,歌词中暗示了主唱Mitchell自己爱情的失意。
6、专辑同名曲和“Broken Promises“是对Madonna的回忆,是Mitchell年轻和叛逆的象征。
7、不止是孩子,成年人也会渐渐欣赏MetCh ell在作曲和演唱上的成熟的感觉.歌名:stay 演唱者:Tonya Mitchellnot to see you look away from mewhenr you say you love me stilli must to been crazynot to see you slip away from meday after day there's a space to filland i can't find the wordsto make you fall in love with me agianand i can't find the strength to let you go oh ohand when it's all said and doneyou'll beli only onen if there's nothing left for us to sayas sure as the sun will rise i can nr say goodbyen if we go are separate waysin my heart you'll always staybeen spending my timeto try to remind you of our lovebut you're pulling away with ry touchwith all we've been thoughi'd nr thought i'd be losing youand i would give rything to keep you herebut i can't find the wordsto make you fall in love with me againand i can't find the strength to let you go oh ohand when it's all said and done,you'll be the only onen if there's nothing left for us to sayas sure as the sun will rise i can nr say goodbyen if we go are separate waysin my heart you'll always stayi,i,i still beli our love meant to be ohand it will be here forr come one day中文歌词:)~~我一定是迷失了没看到你无视我的存在只要你说你仍爱着我我munenikizamu kiokuninaru shirokuirodorumachiwo一定是疯了没注意到你从我身边溜走日子一天天填补空间我找不出话语让你重新爱上我我没有勇气让你走当一切即如所说,你将是的一个即使我们之间没有什么好说的就算日头下山我也绝不说再见即使我们行同陌路在我心间你总停留曾多次尝试让你忆起我们之间的爱情但你总是拒绝每一次的靠近尽管是我们曾经的所有我从没想过会失去你我会为你留下而付出一切当我没有语言让你重新爱上我我没有让你留下的勇气当所有的即如所说,你将是即使我们之间没有什么好说的就算日头下山我也绝不说再见即使我们行同陌路在我心间你总停留我,我仍然相信我们的爱情仍然存在而且会永远存在。

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