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1、Mercur平方千米yMercury is the closest planet to the sun. Its crateredsuce can reach upwards of 800 degrees fahrenheit because of itsproximity to the sun and its slow rotation. Only slightly larger thanEarth's moon, it is the allest planet in the solar . It has no产生巨大的影响。

2、moons, no rings, and a very thin atmosphere.VenusThe second planet from the sun, Venus, is slightly allerthan Earth. Because of its relative proximity to Earth, it is thelargest planet seen in the night sky. The cratered suce of the planetis hot, with suce temperatures around 900 degrees fahrenheit. Venushas a thick atmosphere of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. The densityof its atmosphere makes the air pressure 90 times that of Earth's. Thiakes the planet decidedly inhospitable to life.MarsMars, also called the Red Planet, is the solar 'sfourth planet. Its suce is characterized by dust storms, largevolcanoes and deep valleys. The red color of the suce comes from ironoxide or rust in the soil. Some of the suce features of Mars, suchas dry river beds, hint toward water previously existing on the planet.The atmosphere is very thin on Mars, with only 1/100th the air pressureof Earth, and the planet is relatively cold with suce temperaturesranging from -171 to 32 degrees fahrenheit.JupiterFurther from the sun, past a ring of asteroids, lies thelargest planet in our solar -- Jupiter -- the first of the gasgiant planets. Its characteristic colored cloud patterns are caused byenormous, swirling storms in its atmosphere. The largest and mostdistinctive of these, the Great Red Spot, is large enough to swallowEarth. The interior of this great planet is mostly hydrogen and helium.Jupiter has 63 moons a古希腊神话nd a faint ring .SaturnSaturn, the sixth planet from the sun and the second gasgiant, is unique in that an extensive and complex set of rings orbit theplanet in a thin band. Saturn is large -- about 9.5 times the radius ofEarth. It has 62 moons in its orbit. The interior of Saturn, likeJupiter, is made of mostly hydrogen and helium in liquid form because ofthe strong pressure there.UranusWhile most planets spin on their axis with a slight tilt,the gas giant Uranus spins on a plane with the orbit of the sun. Thiscreates unique seasonal changes. This cold planet is four times thedense core of frozen mane. Uranus has a faint ring and 27moons in its orbit.NeptuneThe blue planet Neptune is the farthest from the sun and,like Uranus, is a very cold place. Because of its distance from the sun,one year on Neptune is 165 Earth years. The large amount of mane inthe atmosphere gives the planet its blue color, and the cold interior ofthe planet is mainly mane . It is a relatively large planet. Alsolike Uranus, it has a diameter roughly four times that of Earth.Thir moons and a faint ring orbit the planet.需要说明的是,8大行星里没有冥王星,因为在2006年8月24日召开的天文学联合会第26届大会,经两千余天文学家表决通过———太阳系只有八大行星。



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