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柏树种类之一侧柏Platycladus orientalis 它的种子是中柏子仁。【性味】:甘,平。归心、肾、大肠经。 【功能主治】:养心安神,润肠通便。用于虚烦不眠, 心悸怔忡,肠燥便秘等症。 【用法用量】:煎服6-15克。记者:“您这是捡什么呢?”
观众3:“人家房配,配好的咱们不懂。市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“可以用二至丸加六味地黄汤啊,再加上补肾的,也可以调理睡眠问题,六味地黄汤,熟地山、山芋、丹皮、茯苓,二至丸就是女贞子和旱莲草,就是补阴制阳,阴份一足了,人就平和了,以阴制阳嘛。””
市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“你刚才提到有没有安神作用,它有一种香气,有些人喜欢,人要闻到这种香气,由于他喜欢,可能有安眠作用。但是要是对别人,不见得能安眠,有些人要不喜欢这个味,就不好说了。”
市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“人到老年以后就觉少了,睡不好有多方面原因造成的,心里有事的人,或者老想不痛快的事,或者由于精神紧张造成的
市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“我们现在中里有柏子仁,柏子仁不是她所拿的那种柏树籽,而是侧柏的一种籽。”在我住的小区东侧,有一座小山,卧牛山。
不过这中的用量您可得听医生的,毕竟每个人的身体情况各有不同,不能一概而论。所以除了用中的调理失眠问题,平时饮食中也要多吃一些滋阴补肾的食物,比如这两种黑豆和山,也可以起到调节睡眠的作用。在我住的小区东侧,有一座小山19 sunrises of father's May of 1965 was born in 52 kilometers of a head ditch District of Peking City.He is second son of grandmother grandpa.Their names are all grandpas to rise of, the grandpa hopes that he ability carries on revolution exactly.So the brother-in-law call xxx, father call xxx, include afterwards three uncle birth, call the xxx( homophonic).,卧牛山。
帮忙翻译成英文 要准!!!!
The economic circumstance of the home of childhood of father is not very good, the house lives an one-storied house.Father in 1973 the beginning is leing a head ditch District of house railroad primary school to go to school.Father loves mathematics since the childhood, rising from the grade an is a mathematics in the class section representative.Joined the Chinese young vanguard brigade in June 1973.The time of father's primary school will cook a meal, kick, usually do the household chores for home.But father in childhood also very naughty, usually got into trouble with kid in the hospital toger.Father's old house is a river north.Also usually returned to old house with grandmother市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“她可能是误传了,另外它如果不剥的话搁在枕头里,也没有这个作用,得吃了以后才有这种作用,当然大夫要是开的话 grandpa toger in childhood.
In 1978, father's primary school graduated, rising to go into a head ditch District railroad high school.Joined the Chinese communi youth regiment in 1979.Ascend the junior high school contain the physics chemistry subject, father also loves to learn.Serve as mathematics section still in the high school representative and the physics section representative.Father of that time usually goes to the top of hill to take off the cypress seed in the holidays, coming back to sell money.But, at up over beginning two after, father usually fe柏树籽具有的独特的气味,不过,用这个味道安神助眠——其实是一种心理作用。而且也不是所有人都喜欢这种味道,不喜欢的人闻了,不但起不到助眠的作用,反而会精神紧张,无法入睡。这么说来,这柏树籽没有安神静心的作用了?那刚才我们明明看到了……确实有一种叫“柏籽养心”,也的确可以起到静心助眠的作用。难道观众曹女士捡的柏树籽和“柏籽养心”中的柏籽不是一回事?els the headache, afterwards housebound drop out for a year.In 1981, the condition had the amendment, and then returned to the school.Father is outstanding after returning to the school still in the school of science aspect result, still usually get the prize on the contest in the area.But English is father's weak , the that time usually seeks the teacher to take lessons English, but still fall in a lot of.
On October 12 in 19, I was born.Father became a father, the body bear again hey some.In 1999, our house moved the stone view mountain, father also became a public official.I also turned the stone view top of hill to learn.Everyday father rides the bike to send me to go to school first, then ride the bike to go to work at the oneself.Be subjected to father affects my logarithms to learn since the childhood also from the heart fancy.Father usually teaches me mathematics, teaching the mod that I learn mathematics, being like a teacher.Peacetime, also usually play trick with me, and then be like a friend.
Father's friend is a lot of.At the time of holidays and New Year they always want the party.In friend's eyes father's personality is good very, very hot liver, is own daughter's pride very much.
In fine, father is a per观众2:“柏树种子。”son of passion study.A careful but again not ultra conservative person.
Father usually ls that I want to dlop compley.He has no objection to I get in touch with the fresh thing, the oneself also keeps in mind the fresh thing very much.Father of QQ whom child play also has.Even the POPO that I do not know, father also has.记者:“您这是捡什么呢?”
市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“你刚才提到有没有安神作用,它有一种香气,有些人喜欢,人要闻到这种香气,由于他喜欢,可能有安眠作用。但是要是对别人,不见得能安眠,有些人要不喜欢这个味,就不好说了。”
市东直门医院 主管师 高士华:“人到老年以后就觉少了,睡不好有多方面原因造成的,心里有事的人,或者老想不痛快的事,或者由于精神紧张造成的
帮忙翻译成英文 要准!!!!
观众曹女士:“柏树籽在地下捡的,不要洗不要晒,放枕头底下安神,有松树味对身体好,从枕了后睡得也好了。”The economic circumstance of the home of childhood of father is not very good, the house lives an one-storied house.Father in 1973 the beginning is leing a head ditch District of house railroad primary school to go to school.Father loves mathematics since the childhood, rising from the grade an is a mathematics in the class section representative.Joined the Chinese young vanguard brigade in June 1973.The time of father's primary school will cook a meal, kick, usually do the household chores for home.But father in childhood also very naughty, usually got into trouble with kid in the hospital toger.Father's old house is a river north.Also usually returned to old house with grandmother grandpa toger in childhood.
Father ascended a steel skill school to study electrician's profession in 1982.Graduated with the excellent result in 1985.September of 1985 start working in a steel.It is electrician to just start, afterwards at go to work of remaining self-educated calculator.Father on September 28 in 1990 the honour joined Communist Party of China, that is a day of matchless honour, with as for still remember accuray now.On September 29 in 1990 also is a deserve remember of day, th这几天我晨练次爬上这座小山,惊喜地发现山上的柏树结果了,并且数量还蛮多的。at father and mothers got to get married the certificate.Are also mothers' birthdays on October 2 in 1990, they held to get married the ceremony.Father became an engineer again afterwards, usually needing to go out the study, that time father, mother return in a ditch.Everyday sport car of father study the work is very hard.In 1978, father's primary school graduated, rising to go into a head ditch District railroad high school.Joined the Chinese communi youth regiment in 1979.Ascend the junior high school contain the physics chemistry subject, father also loves to learn.Serve as mathematics section still in the high school representative and the physics section representative.Father of that time usually goes to the top of hill to take off the cypress seed in the holidays, coming back to sell money.But, at up over beginning two after, father usually feels the headache, afterwards housebound drop out for a year.In 1981, the condition had the amendment, and then returned to the school.Father is outstanding after returning to the school still in the school of science aspect result, still usually get the prize on the contest in the area.But English is father's weak , the that time usually seeks the teacher to take lessons English, but still fall in a lot of.
On October 12 in 19, I was born.Father became a father, the body bear again hey some.In 1999, our house moved the stone view mountain, father also became a public official.I also turned the stone view top of hill to learn.Everyday father rides the bike to send me to go to school first, then ride the bike to go to work at the oneself.Be subjected to father affects my logarithms to learn since the childhood also from the heart fancy.Father usually teaches me mathematics, teaching the mod that I learn mathematics, being like a teacher.Peacetime, also usually play trick with me, and then be like a friend.
Father's friend is a lot of.At the time of holidays and New Year they always want the party.In friend's eyes father's personality is good very, very hot liver, is own daughter's pride very much.
In fine, father is a person of passion study.A careful but again not ultra conservative person.
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