你呢?翻译成英文 中文怎么翻译成英文

2025-01-03 10:29 - 立有生活网


Besides class, we use our free time to do temporary jobs. How about you?


你呢?翻译成英文 中文怎么翻译成英文你呢?翻译成英文 中文怎么翻译成英文

你呢?翻译成英文 中文怎么翻译成英文

你呢?翻译成英文 中文怎么翻译成英文

B:除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工。 你呢?



Time passes quickly. We are going to graduate soon.


Yes! I really miss the college times.



B:Exept for hing classes,I worked in my spare time.How about you?

A:Apart from hing classes,I learned some other knowledge my myself.

B:How time flies!We are going to graduate from school.

B:So I do.We must keep in touch after we graduate.


B: Besides attending class, I also make use of my rest time to d问题一:你干嘛呢?英文怎么说 What are you doing?o some work. What about you?

A: Besides atttending class, I also learn some other knowledge by myself.

B: How time flies! We will graduate soon.

A: Yes. I miss the period of time when we are just come to the university.

A: Sure

B: I do some part-time job after school.And you?

A: I study some other knowledge by my self ater school.

B: Time passed so quickly.. And now we are nearly graduated.

A: Ya! I'm still missing the passed days when we just come to this university.

B: Me too. Keep contact after we graducated.

A: Your campus life is how to spend?

B: In addition to outside school, I also use rest time to work. You?

B: time oA: how do you spend your campus life?ff really, we would he graduated immediay!

B: I am the same. After graduating we he to keep in constant contact with ah.

A: certain.


问题八:你好吗?用英语怎么说? how are you ?

Her past is on her left shoulder, what about yours?

you must trust on eagle's eyes.

I don't know

I study other subjects besides the subjects I learn in college.

Her past in her left shoulder on you?


What the hell are you talking about?

I am fine,and you?

A: I Apart from the outside in the school self-study also some other knowledge.

I am fine thankyou And you

A:How did you spend your life in the campus?

I'm fine . And you ?

I'm fine . And you ?

I am fine and you ?

Iam fine,and you?



或者Who are yoeferring to? Say it again.

you,英文单词,主要用作代词、名词,作代词时意为“你;你们”,作名词时意为“人名;(柬)尤;(华语)猷”。短语搭配:You Know你知道;你要知道;你了解;我说;Love you爱你;醉后决定爱上你;好爱你;爱上你等于爱上。

Who do you say?You say it again

"You say to whom? You say again "

You l me, say ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳回答】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!it again.


I love EXO. What about you?

问题一:你好吗?我很好,谢谢.用英文怎么说 How are you?


I'm fine,thank you.


问题二:你好吗的英语怎么说呢? 你好吗的英语

How are you?

How are you doing?

Are you OK?

问题四:你好吗英文翻译 How are you doing?

How is rything?

How are you?

问题五:你好吗? 用英文怎么说? How are you

问题六:你好吗的英语怎么说? 下面的句子意思相同,都可表达你好吗,都是美国英语中常用的表达方式,很地道的

How's rything going?

How're you doing?

Hey,what'cha been doin'?=====Hey,what he you been doing?

How ya'been?====How he you been?

问题七:你好用英语怎么说 Translation你好[Pinyin] [ni hao] 1. how do you do ; how are you ; hello ; hiRelated phrases 【英】【俚】喂!你好! wotcha (夏威夷人的招呼语)你好,欢迎;珍重,再见 aloha (表示满意、得意、鼓励、安慰、挑衅等)你瞧;好啦;喂 there (用以打招呼或唤起注意)喂,你好 hello 【口】(表示问候,相当于 hello )嗨;你好 hi (午后见面时用语)下午好;你(们)好 good afternoon (上午见面时用语)早安;你(们)好 good morning (傍晚见面时用语)晚安;你(们)好 good ning 你好!( How are you ?之略) hiya 【法】(望你)有好的食欲 bon appetit 【澳】【新】喂!你好! g'day

问题九:你好吗用英语怎么说吗 你好吗

[词典] How do you do?;

问题十:你好吗用英语怎么说 你好吗_百度翻译

[词典] How do you do?;


'How are you?' ―'All the better for seeing you. '

You must beli the eyes of a eagle.


You must beli the hawks' eyes

You he to beli the eagle's eyes.

You must trusHey,what's up?t eagle's eyes


you must beli eagle's eyes.

You must trust eagle's eyes

Promiss me to trust the eagle's eyes

You must beli eagle's eyes.


问题三:你好吗用英语怎么说 How 2、能让你结识更多的朋友,因为你能够通过运用新语言跟更多的人交流沟通,能够遇到更多的人,所以能够结识更多的朋友,还能帮助你获得更多的机会,比如工作。are you!

I'm crazy about EXO, whatI like exo,what about you? about you?

I love EXO,and you?或者how about you?


How do you spend your college life?

不区分~英You must beli the eagle's eyes语没有您的概念

其他的敬称是通过附加其他成分实现的,比如your Who are you talking about? Say it again.honer,阁下

有想要学习英语的朋友,请加 QQ群278863862, we prefer free chat in english there.and we do he a lot native english speakers who can u a lot,u cant miss it! jOIn us!!!


Me too. Keep contact after graduation.

问题二:你好.你在干什么?译成英文 hello,what are you doing?

absoluy trust the eagle's quick eyed

问题三:你在干嘛?用英语怎么说 What are you doing

问题四:“我在干什么”用英语怎么说? 你提问就提问,这么激动干什么?那么多感叹号!

我在干什么?what am I doing?

They're myA:一定。 glasses.

对my提问:whose glasses are they?

My father and mother want to water the plants.

对water the plants提问:what do my father and mother want to do?

问题五:大家都在做什么用英语怎么说 What is ryone doing?

问题七:你究竟在干什么? 用英语怎么说? 电影中表示不满情绪:what the hell are you doing? 一般我们在学校学习都会用:what are you doing on earth ?

你刚才有没有打我电话呢? 翻译成英文

简单一句 Did you call? 或 Did you just call? (如果'How are you?' ―'All the better for seeing you. '不多久前)就足够了。How he you been?


A; is ah! Miss just on the University of times.


A: Sure, of course.









设收到的问候来自于陌生人或者不熟悉的环境,那么一个简单的“你好,很高兴见到你!”也可以作为回复Did you call me just now?。






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