
2025-03-24 20:52 - 立有生活网


1、22. Xiao Ming is not only the head of the U.S. or U.S. Monitor军训先进个人励志奖学金The country pursues a goal with determination the scholarshipMilitary training Aanced Individual届大学生田径运动会女子甲组4100接力赛第四名First session of university student track and field s female starting team 4100 relay race fourth团员Excellent league member校级三好学生Field grade healthy, studious, and ful student大学生品学奖 University student character and scholarship prize教学信息员Outstanding teaching rmation offr评卷员Outstanding evaluate examination s大学生Impoverished outstanding university student学生干部Outstanding student cadreSeptember,2004----The XX university"military training the forerunner is personal"October,2004----XX university first batch university student the woman Group AN of the athletics meeting 4100 connect dint match in the fourth placeJune,2005----XX university 2004 next semester"the first grade scholarship"December,2005----The Year 2004-2005's of XX university"the C grade scholarship"December,2005----2005 of XX university last term"three good students of school class"December,2005----The first batch"XX university university student's moral and scholarship prize"March,2006----XX City 2006 is three meeting examination book"excellent 评 winding member"s in heightApril,2006----XX university"poor and excellent university 7. We should learn not only to use our brains, but also to use our hands.student"December,2006----The Year 2005-2006's of XX university"students with excellent records staff"December,2006----The Year 2005-2006's of XX university"the C grade scholarship"December,2007----The Year 2006-2007's of XX university"the C grade scholarship"December,2007----"The nation is aim high to scholarshiped"厉害啊一个牛人的成长经历。



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