nipples什么意思啊 nipple中文意思

2024-11-10 09:54 - 立有生活网


nipple ['nipl]

nipples什么意思啊 nipple中文意思nipples什么意思啊 nipple中文意思

nipples什么意思啊 nipple中文意思

1 , 奶头, 奶嘴

2 螺纹接口; 螺纹接套



inverted nipples是什么意思

inverted nipples 意思是 [医] 内翻

inverted nipples

[医]乳 头 内翻;



Nipple Piercing (乳环)


Nipple piercing is one of the most popular forms of body piercing. Surprisingly, nipple piercings he been around for centuries. In ancient Roman times, warriors would get their nipples pierced to demonstrate loyalty to the Empire. Breast piercing was just as popular in England a dred years ago. In high society, it was proper and n expected for women to he their nipples pierced to accentuate them through their thick garments during Victorian times. Today, society accepts nipple piercing as a bold fashion statement.

Thinking of hing your nipples pierced? Don’t be shy! Some women are skeptical of exing their breasts to piercing artists. The thing to keep in mind is that the piercing artist is a professional and does this work regularly. Even though you are not used to it-they are. Pain is also a reason why some hesitate to get a tit piercing. You just he to realize that the pain is only present for a second and then it is over.

Nipples can take anywhere from two to six months to heal. Healing times depend on the size of the nipples and wher or not any complications were experienced. The aller breasts and nipples you he, the less time they will take to heal (Small breasts really do count for soming!)

Following the nipple piercing procedure, there are a few guidelines that are strongly recommended to oid infection and to promote comfort and proper healing. It is important to only touch the piercing with clean hands and to clean the piercing with antibacterial soap once a day. Soaking the nipples in sea salt will sooth the soreness and speed up the healing process. Some say that wearing a bra provides extra comfort during the healing process because it s the jewelry to stay in place. A lot of women n sleep in their bras in the beginning!

Many men and women say that nipple piercings provide extra sensitivity and arousal. This is an added bonus to the fashion statement you are about to make with your new nipple piercing.

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